It’s the “Last Stand” for Bag Holders of XRP: Top Analyst Peter Brandt

It’s the “Last Stand” for Bag Holders of XRP: Top Analyst Peter Brandt

THELOGICALINDIAN - XRP hasnt been afar from the contempo assemblage in the cryptocurrency bazaar From its lows in March of 011 the secondlargest altcoin has acquired over 100 from the lows As Bitcoin topped 9400 aftermost anniversary the altcoin topped 023 assuming backbone afterwards a macro downtrend

This accretion aside, top analysts accept that the cryptocurrency is currently in a bearish macro position. One arresting banker went as far as to say that it is the “last stand” for XRP holders.”

It’s the “Last Stand” for XRP Holders

According to Peter Brandt, bolt and asset banker back 1980 and a abstruse assay author, the XRP/BTC blueprint is currently press a “desperate aftermost stand” for bulls:

Brandt added in a after tweet that the asset is “on its way to zero.” Although a beauteous account because the contempo rally, he fabricated a agnate animadversion in the past, acquainted in March how XRP’s blueprint is macro bearish.

Far From the Only XRP Bear

It isn’t alone Brandt who thinks XRP is assertive to see a affecting bead adjoin Bitcoin.

Per previous letters from Bitcoinist, Josh Olszewicz, a crypto analyst at Brave New Coin, afresh shared the beneath chart.

Like Brandt’s chart, this blueprint shows that XRP is breaking bottomward from the lows of the accomplished eight months afterwards managing to authority them for months on end. The blueprint additionally shows that the asset is entering a arena that has a abridgement of actual liquidity, implying prices could abatement through these levels quickly.

The technicals accept alone been corroborated by the on-chain metrics.

Olszewicz said in a video assay on the cryptocurrency that XRP’s on-chain angle for the ample cryptocurrency is currently attractive far from positive.

Both boilerplate transaction volumes and the cardinal of alive addresses on the XRP balance accept decreased back 2025’s highs. Simultaneously, XRP’s NVT, a arrangement acclimated to actuate the bread-and-butter action of a network, has trended lower.

It’s Time for Bitcoin to Shine

Whatever your thoughts are XRP’s trajectory, analysts say that Bitcoin will anon beat a majority of altcoins. Should this affirmation authority true, that agency XRP/BTC’s bead is somewhat inevitable.

The arch of abstruse assay at Blockfyre wrote backward aftermost ages that the admission animation accompanying to the halving will “rekt” altcoins. He continued that from how he sees it, altcoins are consistently a “game of agreeable chairs” because they assemblage for affidavit not based in fundamentals: