Bristol City Council Fights Climate Change with Blockchain Tech

Bristol City Council Fights Climate Change with Blockchain Tech

THELOGICALINDIAN - Employees will be adored for environmentallyfriendly behavior

Local governments aren’t accepted for actuality forward-thinking, so it ability abruptness you to apprentice that a burghal in the U.K. has begin a atypical appliance for blockchain technology: extenuative the planet.

Bristol Burghal Board has teamed up with blockchain tech aggregation EnergiMine to apparatus a blockchain rewards initiative, which the board hopes will advice the burghal become carbon neutral.

The action will use EnergiMine’s EnergiToken belvedere to accommodate token-based incentives to burghal employees. Advisers will acquire rewards for energy-efficient behaviors, which advice the burghal to abate its carbon footprint.

These behaviors could accommodate application carbon-neutral transportation, or accommodating in activities advised to advice the environment. Upon approval, advisers will accept EnergiTokens to their agenda wallets, which they can redeem for added appurtenances and services.

The Case for Change at Bristol City Council

Last year, the Intergovernmental Panel on Altitude Change (IPCC) released a annoying report on the advance of altitude change. According to the report, the appulse of a all-around 2C temperature access will be devastating. Government bodies were apprenticed to booty actual activity to abode altitude change so that increases would be kept to a 1.5C minimum increase.

In acknowledgment to the IPCC report, Bristol City Council stepped up to the challenge. The Council captivated a “climate emergency” affair in November 2025 and voted absolutely in favor of acceptable carbon aloof by 2030. This affiliation with EnergiMine is allotment of the accomplishment to accomplish the city’s ecology goals.

While blockchain could be a admired technology for governments, best proposals tend to focus on DLT-based voting and annal management. Therefore, it’s auspicious to see a bounded board acquisition a new way to use the technology.

The board hopes this move will appearance that Bristol is “walking the walk” adjoin altitude change, and that new attitudes to the ambiance will discharge over into the added community.

The role of blockchain in angry altitude change is acceptable added prominent. Earlier this year, Yale OpenLab was awarded a $150,000 grant to advance blockchain-based accoutrement for the action adjoin altitude change.

Using blockchain to accomplish abiding there's annihilation ambiguous about your tuna.

The abutting time you eat a adolescent sandwich, anticipate about area it came from. You ability adore your cafeteria a bit added if you knew it was sustainably harvested, with the advice of blockchain technology.

Aiding this achievability is SAP, a cloud-based blockchain platform, and Bumble Bee Foods, a shelf-stable seafood aggregation based in North America. Bumble Bee is application SAP’s casework to clue the adventure of yellowfin adolescent from an Indonesian fishing apple to a adjacent anchorage burghal processing bulb afore assuredly extensive grocery food in the US.

Founded by a scattering of fishermen 120 years ago, Bumble Bee Foods is aiming to transform the aggregation in adventurous means that accommodate artefact innovations and a action for the abiding bloom of our oceans, said Tony Costa, CIO of Bumble Bee Foods, to Crypto Briefing.

“SAP’s blockchain technology allows us to trace all adolescent entering the accumulation alternation and ensure it is accurately harvested while affair our International Seafood Sustainability Foundation sourcing commitments and the accomplished accepted for affection affirmation and aliment assurance worldwide,” Costa said.

By artlessly scanning a QR cipher on the artefact package, consumers and barter can admission the agent and history of Bumble Bee Foods’ Natural Blue yellowfin adolescent with the blockchain. This advice will clue the absolute fish-to-market journey, including the admeasurement of the catch, area it was caught, and the fishing association that bent it. Additional advice will appearance the actuality of the catch, its freshness, safety, fair barter fishing certification, and sustainability.

These fair-trade certified ahi (as yellowfin is generally marketed) adolescent steaks can be begin in 12 oz. accoutrements at retailers nationwide, including Albertsons, Hy-Vee, Price Chopper, and Safeway.

With consumers acceptable more acquainted of, and anxious about how their aliment is sourced, the aliment industry needs to booty a proactive access to authoritative assurance and sustainability a top priority.

For Gil Perez, chief carnality admiral of articles and innovations and arch of agenda chump initiatives at SAP, the aid of the blockchain can authorize a college akin of affirmation and affirmation in the affection of aliment and articles actuality sold.

“Consumer appeal for such advice and acceptance will activate assorted companies to chase and eventually the majority of the industry will accept this as an ‘industry accepted practice,'” Perez told Crypto Briefing. “I am assertive that this acceptance of blockchain in the action will be acceptable for the consumer, the industry, and save lives.”

Blockchain Applied to Food Traceability

When it comes to the use cases involving the blockchain, aliment traceability is a acceptable example, and its appulse is acutely arresting to consumers.

According to Perez, there are bristles affidavit why aliment traceability is a acceptable archetype of blockchain use cases:

Price sensitivity. When consumers can verify a assertive artefact or aliment – in this case adolescent – it creates added amount and consumers are accommodating to pay added for it.

Sustainability and customers’ preference. Companies who are acting in an environmentally amenable and acceptable address appetite to appearance this to their customers, as it impacts the appeal for their artefact and amplifies the companies’ eyes and advance of a acceptable and safe planet.

Quality. By tracking the artefact from alpha to accomplishment and enabling bigger afterimage of the absolute activity cycle, while additionally administration the abstracts with all stakeholders, it after-effects in an bigger affection of the product.

Regulation. In industries area adjustment is required, the use of the blockchain to clue articles end-to-end can decidedly abridge and advice in acclamation accepted and approaching adjustment guidelines.

Ability to booty action. Creating accuracy and afterimage of the absolute accumulation alternation has bound amount if it can’t be brace with actions.

“In the aliment industry, there are endless examples of aliment recalls,” Perez said. “Having a blockchain-based traceability of appurtenances can and should advice consumers, companies, and regulators act bound and accommodate – and hopefully in the approaching additionally anticipate – aliment recalls added efficiently.”

Perez added that any industry with these characteristics would be a acceptable use case for blockchain technology. The pharmaceutical industry, the activity industry, and others are already exploring blockchain use-cases. 

Turning to Technology

Interest in the blockchain continues to abound at a dispatch pace. Many new use cases are agriculture up, application the technology to advance services.

In February, Crypto Briefing appear that a blockchain-based admission actuality and fan character administration aggregation was application the technology to anticipate admission fraud. Another was employing the blockchain to accumulate the apparent system.

Tracking yellowfin adolescent is aloof one archetype of how the technology is actuality used. But this one is acceptable to bang a ambit with abounding consumers, who may not apperceive abundant about tech but affliction acutely about ecology sustainability.