Decentralized Websites on Ethereum Aim to Solve Social Media Censorship

Decentralized Websites on Ethereum Aim to Solve Social Media Censorship

THELOGICALINDIAN - Decentralized websites on the Ethereum blockchain could be the band-aid to aggressive censorship on YouTube Twitter and Facebook

Alongside Unstoppable Domains, MyEtherWallet appear the barrage of IPFS-powered web casework on Ethereum. MEW will accredit users to host websites on decentralized .crypto and .eth domains, while Unstoppable Domains launched a censorship-resistant blogging service.

MEW Enables Users to Post Uncensorable Content

There is growing annoyance with Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter over accretion censorship. MyEtherWallet (MEW), an attainable Ethereum wallet interface, has appear the barrage of “Host Your Own Site,” a new account that will accredit its users to column around uncensorable agreeable online. The new account uses the InterPlanetary Book Arrangement (IPFS), a peer-to-peer arrangement for autumn and administration abstracts in a broadcast book system.

“Wallets don’t accept to be aloof for payments anymore,” said MEW architect Kosala Hemachandra. By application acute contracts, these websites are stored as assets on the Ethereum blockchain.

When accumulated with decentralized domains such as the ones enabled by MEW’s affiliation with Unstoppable Domains, the affection provides incomparable chargeless accent protection. 

First .crypto Blogs Hit the Decentralized Internet

Unstoppable Domains, a aggregation architecture blockchain-based area names, afresh partnered with MEW to accredit its users to annals and administer decentralized domains in the anew launched MEW app. Domains cost $40 for a one-year allotment and accept no face-lifting charges, clashing accepted extensions like .com or .net. 

Riding on the added appeal for uncensorable, decentralized platforms, Unstoppable Domains today appear “dBlog,” a decentralized blog platform. Just like MEW’s new feature, dBlog will be hosted on IPFS and absorbed to .crypto domains, acceptance users to body absolutely anatomic blogs. 

Brad Kam, the CEO of Unstoppable Domains, told CryptoBriefing:

“Censorship about the apple and by amusing media companies is on the rise. This ambiance agency that internet users are attractive for alternatives—the charge is accretion every day, while the technology is accepting bigger every day. Everyone in the apple deserves to be able to publish, transact, and acquaint online after abhorrence of censorship.”

Thought leaders like Tim Draper, IvanOnTech, and Meltem Demirors accept already registered their crypto blogs.

Unlike acceptable blogs hosted on centralized services, dBlogs won’t be bedfast to one server. Instead, files are decentralized on the IPFS network. This bureaucracy will anticipate the de-platforming and censorship that accept become aggressive on acceptable media platforms in the accomplished few months.