Hundred Proof: How Blockchain Can Fight Counterfeit Booze

Hundred Proof: How Blockchain Can Fight Counterfeit Booze


The bazaar amount of alcoholic drinks in the UK accomplished about £54 actor in 2025. As a awful assisting industry, it is additionally actual affected to affected products.

Figures from the European Union’s Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) begin that the UK loses £218 actor every year from imitations of acclaimed wines and booze brands. Not alone that, but according to the International Center for Booze Policies, 30% of all booze captivated common is counterfeit.

Brewing on the Blockchain

But the industry is angry back, application blockchain technology to clue the ancestry of wines and spirits. In a bid to addition transparency, several Alberta-based companies accept teamed up with TE-FOOD, a blockchain-based farm-to-table aliment traceability solution, to bear a new beer alleged the Bock Chain.

Hamill Foods, Canada Malting Co., Red Shed Malting, and Last Best Brewing & Distilling are application balance technology to trace Bock Chain capacity from acreage to can. The beer, which clearly launched at the alpha of February, is a answer on the bock brewing method.

According to Phil Brian, administrator of brewing from Last Best Brewing & Distilling, bock beer is a acceptable malty able lager basic from Germany. We put a Canadian prairies aberration on the style, application baby amounts of amber and amber malt from Red Shed Malting,” he said. “This enriches our Bock Chain beer with a angled malty anatomy and a blow of acidity while actuality an accessible bubbler beer.”

Kyran Flett, sales administrator at Canada Malting and bounded activity manager, said that ability beer consumers are acceptable more anxious with acknowledging their bounded communities and businesses.

“The abeyant for blockchain in the beer industry is to bear the accuracy of accumulation alternation and for now, it is the best technology for that purpose,” Flett explained to Crypto Briefing. “Furthermore, it has abundant abeyant to abutment added industries area the ancestry drives value, such as the Scottish or American whisk(e)y industries.”

The barley for Bock Chain was developed and harvested at Hamill Foods afore traveling to Canada Malting for the malting process. After that, it was transported to Red Shed Malting for baking into aspect malts afore its final stop with Last Best Brewing & Distilling for brewing and packaging.

Consumers can chase the beer’s adventure by scanning a QR cipher characterization on the bottle, which takes admirers to a microsite developed by TE-FOOD. It shows photos and videos of the barley at assorted stages of production, and additionally displays important advice such as time stamps, volume, barge identification, and analysis after-effects at anniversary stage, said Flett. 

For TE-FOOD, best barter are from the beginning aliment industry. Its arrangement advance and traces about 20,000 pigs, 200,000 chickens, and 2.5 actor eggs anniversary day from bags of farms to abattoirs, wholesalers and retail shelves, according to Marton Ven, CMO of TE-FOOD.

Bock Chain was TE-Food’s aboriginal acquaintance with beer traceability, Ven says “The ambition was to actualize a different experience, which presents aliment affection advice in an agreeable way, so consumers can adore ‘the adventure of the beer,’ ” he told Crypto Briefing.

TE-FOOD was called by GrainCorp, an Australian atom aggregation – with the aid of the Terra AgTech Accelerator – to authorize a use case for field-to-can beer traceability on the blockchain at their Canadian subsidiary, Canada Malting Company.

Wine: Appellation Earth

And it’s not aloof the beer industry. Everledger, which uses blockchain technology to clue chunk and added admired products, has teamed up with Avery Dennison Corporate, an able labelling and adhering specialist, to clue the ancestry of wine.

In January, it was appear that the affiliation would see the barrage of Appellation Earth wines from Napa Valley by the U.S.-based Wine Trade Network. The wine was harvested in October 2015 and bottled in December 2018.

The wine is a red alloy absolute 34% Merlot, 28.1% Cabernet Sauvignon, 19.2% Zinfandel, 11.4% Petite Sirah, 2.9% Malbec, 2.2% Petit Verdot, and 2.2% added red wine for aggregate and acerbic balance. The booze agreeable is 14.68%.

Speaking about able labels and the blockchain, Jay Wittmann, able characterization artefact administrator at Avery Dennison, believes that bringing accuracy to the wine’s lifecycle and actuality will advice to increase customer confidence.

“Intelligent labels and blockchain acquiesce consumers to be able to collaborate and apprentice added about the wine and area it came from at the abundance shelf afore they acquirement it,” he added.

Avery Dennison about focuses on accoutrement and footwear; the adventure with Everledger marks its aboriginal footfall into the wine industry with its Janela Smart Products Platform.

According to Wittmann, the action is not abundant altered abreast from the actuality that accoutrement and cossack applications use UHF applique technology, admitting the wine appliance employs aerial abundance or NFC (near-field communication) technology.

“There is a altered action for converters, however, as they now accept to amalgamate the applique with the pressure-sensitive characterization as they book the wine labels,” Wittmann added. “It is additionally altered from accoutrement in that NFC for wine is added focused on a 1:1 alternation and accouterment authenticity.”

This agency that with anniversary different characterization it provides a agenda character that enables a alternation of aegis abstracts to be captured through the blockchain. In turn, this will highlight whether the characterization or the canteen has been tampered with at any point during the process.

Whisky: The Brisbane and The Winter Queen

Fusion Whisky and Adelphi Distillery accept teamed up to barrage a cardinal of Scottish whiskies in the past, starting with the Glover in 2015. In 2018, the Brisbane was the aboriginal whisky to use the blockchain to authenticate its ancestry and to acquaint the adventure of Scottish soldier and astronomer Thomas Makdougall Brisbane.

The additional whisky to use the blockchain was the Winter Queen, which launched backward aftermost year, and honours Elizabeth Stuart, a Scottish angel built-in in 1596.

To accomplish this possible, the aggregation commutual up with agenda aggregation arc-net to use its blockchain platform. Adelphi Distillery pioneered the technology in 2025 with arc-net for its Ardnamurchan AD spirit.

“Given the complicated action complex in creating these fusions – and the absorption in that action – as able-bodied as the belief abaft anniversary character, it was an accessible accommodation for us to seek to use blockchain with our admixture whiskies,” said Colin Campbell, cast administrator at Admixture Whisky, to Crypto Briefing.

With alone 932 bottles of the Brisbane and and 866 bottles of the Winter Queen anytime produced, the iconic whisky bottles are already acceptable collectibles, Campbell said. Adding the blockchain into their assembly action adds a akin of accuracy which Fusion Whisky believes is acceptable “increasingly all-important aural the whisky industry.”

Some of the advice the aggregation upload to the blockchain includes the adventure of all alone components, aggregate volumes, the bottling date and volumes, and the distillery antecedent of all casks involved.

“For some whisky fans, alive who bottled their atom is a claimed and atypical way to add to the “story” of the whisky,” Campbell added. “[But] it’s additionally article that whisky experts abnormally acknowledge as they can see which casks and which distilleries comprise the fusions, giving them a akin of detail they would not be able to accretion normally.”

The blockchain is bridging the advice gaps in the accumulation chain, so that consumers can they apperceive absolutely area their booze comes from. Whether you’re bubbler a bottle of red or adequate a whisky, clarification out the counterfeits leaves abaft a smoother accomplished product.

The columnist is invested in agenda assets, but none mentioned in this article.