Lightning Network Desktop App Now Available for Testing

Lightning Network Desktop App Now Available for Testing

THELOGICALINDIAN - Lightning Arrangement developers appear a testnet desktop appliance today for Lnd According to the blog column this will absolve a assault of testing on the arrangement The developers actively appetite abstruse users to anon activate experimenting with the appliance They provided an official download articulation from their Github site

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The blog column said, “Today, we’re captivated to be absolution a new cross-platform demo Desktop App for Lnd. The absolution of this new audience wallet kicks-off a two-week “testing blitz” during which we achievement Lightning users with a abstruse affection can alpha testing the wallet, giving feedback, filing bugs, etc.”

Lightning Network Desktop App Now Available for Testing


The blog column said the Lightning Protocol blueprint are about complete, but that things could change afore the final absolution date for the app. The blog clarified:

Lightning Network Desktop App Now Available for Testing

Technical Details: Neutrino and Segwit Enabled


The applicant appliance is apprenticed by neutrino, which is an accessible antecedent agreement for bitcoin. This blazon of applicant offers added allowances than added clients. It allows for “increased privacy, beneath alive amount on abounding nodes, and a added adjustable appliance archetypal which is decidedly advantageous for failing Lightning nodes.” The website provides instructions on unzipping and application the applicant for abstruse operators.

Segwit Enabled 

Furthermore, the testnet lightning appliance is absolutely Segwit enabled. This agency users can accessible acquittal channels and accelerate and accept funds from Segwit addresses. The blog column said Segwit addresses attending like this:


Some types of transactions, however, will not use Segwit functionality, such as back non-segwit senders like faucets accelerate bitcoin to a lightning address.

Other Technical Information: Self-Driving Lightning

The applicant is actual user friendly, according to the post.

Not alone is it user friendly, but already connected, the lightning arrangement will automatically activate establishing a affiliation with aeon on network. This will advice it accompany up with accepted “channel blueprint states.”

The lightning arrangement will additionally acquiesce for auto affiliation with accepted channels. Users will not accept to manually set up access to barter bitcoin. The author said, “We alarm this new operating bulge ‘autopilot’ as it will automatically administer the aperture of channels aural the network.”

Once the channels are available, they are apparent in two statuses: “Pending-Open” and “Active.” Pending-open agency the transaction has been broadcast, but still cat-and-mouse confirmation. Active agency the approach is accessible and accessible to accept and accelerate payments.

Lightning Network Desktop App Now Available for Testing

On-Chain Transactions and Testing the Wallet

One of the acceptable things about the wallet is that users can additionally accomplish on-chain transactions. They do not necessarily accept to use bitcoin as a adjustment band and actuate lightning arrangement channels. They can accept whichever they desire.

No amount what users choose, developers appetite anybody to activate testing the appliance immediately. Most noteworthy, developers fabricated abiding the cipher is open source. They appetite to get the appliance above testnet appearance and accompany this technology to the accepted public.

What do you anticipate about this Testnet alive Lightning desktop application? Will you try it out? Is Bitcoin as a settlement layer a acceptable thing? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images via Shutterstock and Lightning Network Engineering Blog

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