Modulus Exchange Tech Helps you HODL faster

Modulus Exchange Tech Helps you HODL faster


We’ve all been there: you’re sitting at your computer, logged into Coinbase Pro and anxiously watching the prices. You’ve timed the market, and anxiously accomplished your  reflexes to buy the dip and again BAM!  Missed.  

In the time it took you to affirm the affirm the trade, bots bought the dip, the amount jumped, and you absent a absolute access point.

However, those absent dips and botted markets ability become a affair of the past, acknowledgment to a new barter agent that could accomplish Binance attending like a brazier shop. Modulus, a twenty-year old developer of banking technology, has appear a new high-frequency trading solution, acceptance exchanges to calibration up to ten actor affairs per second.

By comparison, Bitfinex can handle about a actor transactions per second,  and Binance alone a little more—1.4 million. 

With cessation as low as 40 nanoseconds, your portfolio can now moon and blast 1.5 billion times in a distinct minute. Even the NASDAQ, with 400 microsecond latency, is 100 times slower .

“Accomplishing this was not easy,” said CEO Richard Gardner. “This appropriate two decades of balloon and error, but I accept we accept assuredly set a new apple almanac for barter analogous achievement – not alone for cryptocurrency exchanges, but additionally for equities, derivatives, and added exchanges as well.”

The system, powered by Google’s Go language, was appear via columnist absolution and in a account on Modulus Global’s website. “Our white-label barter band-aid for cryptocurrencies, equities, FX, and derivatives trading allows you to accomplish your barter absolutely on your terms,” the aggregation says. “For a ancient authorization fee, we’ll install our band-aid on your AWS or Azure servers, or on your own hardware, accommodate training to get you started, and duke the controls over to you.”

A Youtube video produced by the aggregation goes into greater detail about the Modulus system’s features, including the adeptness to abutting off your barter to specific jurisdictions and ascertain VPN or Tor users. 

Modulus is a adequately beginning face in the crypto-world, but it’s already a absolute name in the apple of trading tech. Its audience to date accommodate Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Barclays, NASA, Siemens, Shell, Yahoo!, Microsoft, Cornell University, and the University of Chicago.

But don’t apprehend to run any pump-and-dumps on the new system, which, organizers say, uses apparatus acquirements to admit and adios artful trades. “One of the above problems adverse cryptocurrencies is the acumen that they are acclimated for adulterous activities,” Garner said in a statement. “Our new alms eliminates the achievability of money bed-making and bazaar abetment application apparatus acquirements and added technologies.”

The columnist is invested in assorted cryptocurrencies and tokens.