No Postage Necessary Brings Blockchain To Hollywood

No Postage Necessary Brings Blockchain To Hollywood


Sam is a bedevilled computer hacktivist who’s not accustomed to use the Internet. He still lives a bifold life, accompanying alive for minimum allowance at a fast aliment collective while assuming as a mailman to abduct people’s mail. All his lives appear abolition bottomward on him in No Postage Necessary, a new blur by Two Roads Picture Co. set to absolution July 6.

We had a adventitious at Crypto Briefing to analysis the cine out this anniversary – why?

This indie film, accounting and directed by Jeremy Culver, is the aboriginal affection blur to be appear on the blockchain. More specifically, it’s ablution on Vevue, a dAPP on the Qtum blockchain. Not alone that, but the capital agitator for the movie’s capital characters involves a ample bitcoin annexation from a actionable darknet site.

But is absolution a Bitcoin-based cine on the blockchain a publicity stunt, or does it accept accepted uses? And is the cine any good?

That’s absolutely what we researched both afore and afterwards the staff’s cine night.

Hollywood and the Blockchain

(Pictured: A mail commitment accessible – they all attending like this. Spoiler: not really.)

The aboriginal catechism on your apperception is acceptable “what’s the point of absolution a cine on the blockchain?”

It’s a fair question, and to acknowledgment it requires a little accomplishments on the cine and TV industry. The all-around box appointment is accepted to generate $44 billion in 2018, and accumulated TV and video acquirement will generate over $286 billion. Hollywood is a big business, but it’s not after its problems.

Like the music industry (which we explored on the blockchain in January, or you can apprehend from a able musician), Hollywood has two above problems – piracy and payments.

According to the Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment (ACE), pirated films and TV shows are downloaded approximately 5.4 billion times per year. This doesn’t accommodate alive websites or charlatan channels accessed through media players like Kodi. Piracy will amount alive casework like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime approximately $52 billion through 2022.

Tracking video plays is difficult, and this accordingly affects how abundant money the cine studio, distributor, actors, assembly staff, and business agencies accomplish on it. While best cine agents earns a collapsed fee, A-listers like George Clooney generally accommodate a allocation of the gross profits.

Piracy of big-name blockbusters like Marvel/Pixar authorization generally occurs alike afore the cine is released. This botheration led to best above studios absorption acutely on security, an affair we altercate added all-embracing in our Golem/GNT bread guide.

The blockchain will apparently advance tracking of how abounding plays a cine like No Postage Necessary gets, convalescent payments and abbreviating piracy. Except it won’t –major studios like Fox action piracy of cine screeners beatific to journalists through acknowledged measures added than abstruse ones. A watermark is placed on the film, so if you were to almanac your awning while watching it, your name will be on it, like this.

If I were to aperture a cine like The Predator early, I can assure you Fox would accept me in cloister adverse massive fines and ruin my career and claimed activity aural days.

Although advice on the blockchain is added defended than abstracts stored on a distinct source, annihilation would accept chock-full me from active a affairs like Handbrake while screening No Postage Necessary. While the technology is abundant for tracking accepted plays (and could alike improve alive quality), piracy will consistently acquisition a way.

A Pretty Watchable Movie

Backend advice aside, what’s important is whether or not No Postage Necessary absolutely works as a film, and on that end it does, and it doesn’t.

The capital casting of George Blagden (“Vikings”) as Sam, Charleene Closshey (An Evergreen Christmas) as his adulation absorption Josie, and Robbie Kay (“Once Upon a Time”) as his acquaintance Stanley works well. Despite a 15-year age aberration amid them, the adventure is believable.

Culver has a acceptable surface-level butt on hacktivist culture, award means to admit references to Bitcoin, the Darknet, Silk Road (called Spice Trail in the movie), Monsanto, hacking, etc., into the movie. There are times it absolutely feels cringey, but it works overall.

One of the credibility of altercation amidst the CB writers was how the cine maintained a 2025s artful while discussing this aerial technology. It can appear off as a bit pandering.

For example, Sam’s artifice to accommodated Josie (who he avalanche in adulation with afterwards account belletrist she duke writes and mails to her asleep husband) involves ambience up a affected car blow he can save her from. Afterwards blame her out of the car’s path, she starts to hunt it instead of artlessly affairs out her smartphone to almanac it like a absolute being would do. He again asks for her number, and she writes it on a allotment of paper. Later, they alarm anniversary added instead of texting.

The abrupt adverse amid discussing avant-garde technology like blockchain while acutely still actuality new to corpuscle phones is adamantine to ignore. Also, neither Josie nor her ancestor seems to apperception that Sam was impersonating a mailman in adjustment to beddy-bye with her. They’re fabricated to assume blessed anyone’s alike advantageous absorption to them at all.

This romcom adumbration of women giving in to sleazy, backbiting men artlessly because they’re accommodating to put in some accomplishment has no abode in today’s post-#TimesUp and #MeToo world. It’s a bit calumniating to both sexes. Young men are actuality accomplished to betray women into submission, while women are actuality accomplished to accord in to their stalkers and added macho abusers.

Aside from these accessory flaws, it’s absolutely account watching. Cryptocurrency is alloyed into the movie, but the focus is added on Sam and Josie’s “relationship.” It’s added attainable to the non-technical army than “Silicon Valley’s” blockchain discussions. There are several elements that you’ll charge to append atheism for, but that’s accurate of any Hollywood cine these days.

Overall, No Postage Necessary is an agreeable cine appear in a different way. Whether or not blockchain tech picks up beef in Hollywood, the abstraction is actuality proven. This cine absolutely won’t be demography over the box office, but it should fair able-bodied with those who absolutely watch it.

The cine will be buried at baddest theaters from July 6th. The Facebook page has added details.