The Genesis of BCH Tokenization: Over 10,000 SLP Tokens Built on Bitcoin Cash

The Genesis of BCH Tokenization: Over 10,000 SLP Tokens Built on Bitcoin Cash

THELOGICALINDIAN - This anniversary Bitcoin Cash admirers accept been discussing the anniversary of over 10000 Simple Ledger Protocol SLP tokens created back the basement was aboriginal alien Moreover tokens congenital on Bitcoin Cash are advancing 1 actor affairs todate

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) association associates accept noticed there are now 10,679 SLP tokens created back the Simple Ledger Protocol’s inception. The discussion apropos the SLP anniversary took abode this anniversary on the accepted Reddit appointment r/btc.

In accession to the 10k SLP tokens created, the cardinal of affairs is advancing 1 million. token abstracts page indicates there’s been 960,346 SLP-based transactions. Statistics appearance 2,250 SLP affairs were recorded in the aftermost 24 hours.

The Genesis of BCH Tokenization: Over 10,000 SLP Tokens Built on Bitcoin Cash

Currently, the top bristles best accepted tokens in the aftermost 24 hours accept been Refund Token, Mistcoin, MAZE, Spice, and Zapit. However, 30-day stats appearance the top bristles SLP tokens by use was Mistcoin, MAZE, Refund Token, TBS, and Zapit. In accession to the 10k SLP tokens minted so far, there’s been 13,353 badge burns to-date as well. Burning is the act of demography the SLP tokens out of circulation.

Since the activity was introduced, the SLP aggregation is alive with a cardinal of projects and basement providers. This includes exchanges, stablecoin issuers like Honestcoin and Tether,, an SLP accouterments wallet, amateur like Realmx, the agenda announcement exchange Tribeos, the Spice Token ecosystem, SLP payments for Woocommerce, and abounding more.

The Genesis of BCH Tokenization: Over 10,000 SLP Tokens Built on Bitcoin Cash

SLP development is bringing decentralized accounts (defi) to Bitcoin Cash (BCH) as able-bodied with the accessible addition of the derivatives artefact Anyhedge, a activity developed by the General Protocols team. Additionally, the SLP barter Cryptophyl is restructuring into a decentralized barter (dex) for BCH and is alive with General Protocols as well.

Moreover, a while aback the SLP development aggregation appear a cardinal of bounties to added the SLP ecosystem.

For instance, the bounty is for architecture one or added smart-contracts that accommodate added aegis to badge issuers and paid out 500 honestcoin (USDH). Additionally, during the aftermost six months the SLP activity formed the SLP Foundation and declared how bodies can advantage multi-signature management with SLP tokens.

The Genesis of BCH Tokenization: Over 10,000 SLP Tokens Built on Bitcoin Cash

Furthermore, back the Simple Ledger Protocol was invoked a cardinal of tokens accept aggregate real-world value.’s SLP badge index shows a absolute of eight bazaar caps including binding (USDT). There are 6 actor SLP-based USDT in actuality but tether’s are additionally minted on a cardinal of added chains.

Other top SLP tokens featured in the bazaar cap basis accommodate flexcoin (FLEX) with $29 million, gocrypto (GOC) with a $4 actor bazaar cap, Brave Sound Token (BRST) has an all-embracing appraisal of $3.3 million. This is followed by honestcoin (USDH – $2.7M), ACD Bread (ACD – $2.3M), sai (SAI – $882k), and aroma bread (SPICE – $332k).

The SLP Foundation additionally announced a affiliation with the Blockhack Global 2020 accident appointed for October. “[Six] weeks. BIG apprenticeship [and] advance partners,” the SLP Foundation tweeted on September 18. The Blockhack accident is hosted by Bitbay and it’s a six anniversary basic hackathon that starts on October 5 through November 14.

What do you anticipate about the advance of the SLP badge cosmos congenital on Bitcoin Cash so far? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments area below.

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