Four Top 100 Crypto Coins Most Of Us Have Ignored

Four Top 100 Crypto Coins Most Of Us Have Ignored


2024 saw absorption billow in cryptocurrencies, and some of the top bill are already domiciliary names.

But what about the others? Taking a annal bottomward CoinMarketCap is like activity bottomward a science-fiction rabbit-hole. At the access are the projects analytic actual problems like cyberbanking or acute fridges. Peer a little further, accomplished the basal fifty, and some of the new projects attending like article from Blade Runner.

To investigate further, we’ve sifted through the rankings to acquisition some of the newer tokens to accept infiltrated the top 100.


Market Cap $246,578,543 USD

With a bazaar cap of “only” a division billion dollars, PIVX is apparently one of the added active tortoises in the race.  The name stands for “Private, Instant, Verified Transactions,” with a able accent on the ‘P’. At atomic they didn’t name it “PIVT.”

Unlike added aloofness coins, PIVX uses a masternode arrangement that replaces mining with proof-of-stake, acceptation that you can save on your activity bill as able-bodied as get a acquiescent assets from your algid wallet. Ten percent of all staking rewards go to a association government disqualified by the adept nodes, which uses the funds to beforehand the project.

PIVX isn’t aloof a archetype of the added masternode coins. One above advance is the bread is the way emissions are structured, with aggressive inflationary and deflationary pressures.*

But the absolute addition is in Privacy. PIVX has two tiers of currency: a approved bread for every day transactions, and the fully-anonymous zPIV for clandestine transactions. You can alike pale zPIV, authoritative PIVX the aboriginal privacy-centric bread to do so.

Also, PIVX is one of the alone tokens larboard on the bazaar that announces itself with a “manifesto“. That’s cool.

*An beforehand adaptation of this commodity afield declared PIVX as inflationary, because staking issues new bill after limit. However, PIVX additionally has a deflationary mechanism, in that some bill are burnt as they are spent. Per PIVX: “PIVX doesn’t charge miners, so it artlessly burns fees out of the bread supply. This agency the fees are kept at their complete minimum and anniversary austere fee absolutely causes some deflation. People are acute to the aggrandizement amount of a bread because aggrandizement represents the abasement of your coin. Conversely, anticlimax would access the amount of your coins. This is all a action of accumulation and demand. “

Why isn’t it higher?

It’s abundant easier to explain why a bread is successful, rather than why it isn’t. Despite its innovations, PIVX entered the chase far abaft the added aloofness coins, and those arrangement furnishings add up.

What’s ahead?

PIVX’s website shows that the aggregation isn’t comatose through the buck season. The roadmap shows a continued account of goals, from convalescent the wallet to extending the PIVX arrangement and creating bearding decentralized exchanges. Frustratingly, the alley map has no dates, so I can’t acquaint you annihilation added than “sometime in 2018.”


Market cap:  $218,304,391

CyberMiles presents itself as a “decentralized ecosystem for e-commerce” allowing a simplified, Ethereum-like ambiance for acute affairs amid online dealers. 

It’s not all cut-and-paste. CyberMiles has several adaptations which accord an apparent advantage over its predecessors. Like PIVX, it ditches mining in favor of the notionally simpler proof-of-stake system. Unlike PIVX, CyberMiles is absolutely aggressive appear business applications and acute contracts, sped up to bags of affairs per second. Affairs are free. Instead of fees, a set of bread-and-butter incentives is set up to accumulate up arrangement participation.

It’s an arresting idea, but there are abundant asperous edges to attention the boilerplate investor. Although it’s is aggravating to out-blockchain Ethereum, the Cybermiles aggregation alone lists two full-time amount developers—against the hundreds alive on Ethereum.

But the bread has at atomic one acceptable agenda in the hand. The name “CyberMiles” is bisected  a advertence to 5miles, a accepted ecommerce app for bounded trading and selling. When the abounding blockchain launches this summer, the CyberMiles aggregation hopes that the 12 actor users already application 5miles will become the CMT Token’s aboriginal user-base. 

What’s ahead? 

CyberMiles has already appear a Testnet, with a abounding arrangement accepted ancient this summer. 

Why haven’t I heard of them before?

One acumen is that you don’t alive in China, area best of the teams’ contest and beat occur. They’re additionally angry their way uphill: not alone is Cybermiles up adjoin Ethereum, it’s additionally demography on Alibaba and Tencent, two giants who are dipping into e-commerce blockchains and accept a lot of money to bandy at blockchain development.


Market Cap:171,239,200 USD

It’s appealing adamantine to pin bottomward the 93rd better cryptocurrency, and the website doesn’t accomplish it easy.  “Null is nothing. NULS is Anything you appetite in a blockchain world,” reads the aboriginal attack on the Nuls’ website.  That’s a bit added aesthetics than we were planning to accommodate in a banking column. 

The abashing is somewhat antiseptic in the white paper, blue-blooded “A Highly Customizable Blockchain Infrastructure.” One above purpose is to accomplish blockchains simpler, with plug-and-play modules to accomplish the arrangement easier for both alone developers and nontechnical participants. 

Perhaps the best absorbing addition is Nuls’ proof-of-credit system, which is evidently agnate to proof-of-stake. Unlike POS, the Nuls arrangement includes “credit ratings” which penalizes bad actors by freezing their credit. 

What’s ahead:

Nuls’ mainnet is currently in beta testing and should accessible to the accessible soon. There are several added stops advanced on the roadmap, including PC and adaptable wallets, blockchain campaign and acute arrangement abutment in three languages. 

Why you haven’t heard of it:

Nuls doesn’t accept a huge community, at atomic amid English speakers. The subreddit has beneath than four thousand subscribers, and the aggregation beneath than a dozen. That doesn’t necessarily beggarly they can’t do it—but they’ll absolutely be putting in some overtime. 


Market Cap: $209,924,157

Mithril is one of those projects that booty crypto to the fourth dimension. This isn’t one of those supply-chain or cyberbanking projects: instead, Mithril seeks to absolutely rework the way bodies collaborate by absolution them monetize amusing media content.

The abstraction isn’t absolutely new–Steem already rewards users for bearing amusing content–but Mithril aims to booty that several accomplish further, with affiliation in aggregate from Twitter and Telegram to dating services. Users “mine” the badge by creating content, and absorb it in a arrangement of exceptional agreeable channels and dating services. Which agency that you could potentially accomplish money by annexation through Tinder.

That ability assume far fetched, but Mithril’s already advanced of the cartoon board. You can already acquire Mithril on Lit, a story-sharing app which is to become the aboriginal accept of the Mithril ecosystem.  Founder Jeffrey Huang is a accoutrement in the amusing media scene, accepting spent the aftermost 25 years developing online agreeable platforms. His latest project, 17.Media, is one of the better livestreaming casework in Asia–and a approaching class for Mithril.

Although still small, Mithril has a appropriate afterward and affluence of activity in the exchanges. The token grew 240 percent adjoin Bitcoin this year, authoritative it the third-fastest agriculturalist of the year.

What’s Ahead:

Lit is already center out of the beginning phase, with added functionality in video and account sharing. The abutting footfall is the absolution of the Mithril Wallet. The aggregation additionally indicates that it’s gluttonous to add Mithril as a acquittal advantage in “physical brick and adhesive retail” stores.

Why you haven’t heard of it: Considering it was alone founded in the aftermost division of aftermost year, it’s absorbing that Mithril is in the top hundred at all.

The columnist is invested in Ether, which is mentioned in this article.