
"Tweet-Sized" Blockchain Mina Launches, Announces Token Sale

THELOGICALINDIAN - Mina is an ultralightweight blockchain that is alone 22 Kb

Mina, the world’s lightest blockchain, has launched its mainnet. 

Mina Launches “Tweet-Sized” Blockchain

Backed by arch adventure funds like Coinbase Ventures, Three Arrows, and Polychain, the Mina protocol leverages zk-SNARKs for scalability. This technology allows the alternation to consistently charcoal 22kb–the admeasurement of a brace of tweets. 

Since its birth in 2015, the Ethereum blockchain admeasurement has developed over 200GB in transactional data, as per Blockchair. The Bitcoin blockchain is abundant beyond and growing fast. 

Instead of extenuative every transaction, Mina’s zk-SNARKs addition compresses the alternation into a baby affidavit and distributes this affidavit for validation. 

With the mainnet launch, developers will advantage the agreement to body scalable apps, which the aggregation calls “SNARK-powered applications (Snapps).” Snapps will coffer on Mina’s different adeptness to affix to any website and use web abstracts with the blockchain in a privacy-preserving manner.

According to Evan Shapiro, CEO and co-founder of O(1) Labs, the creators abaft Mina, the mainnet appearance acquiesce developers to build a “seamless aperture to abreast affix the absolute apple with crypto.”

Besides the mainnet release, the aggregation has organized a association auction of built-in MINA tokens in affiliation with crypto barter CoinList. This includes 75 actor tokens or 7.5% of the antecedent administration of 1 billion tokens offered to non-US bodies only.