Twitter Releasing Set of Ethereum NFTs

Twitter Releasing Set of Ethereum NFTs

THELOGICALINDIAN - Twitter is absolution a set of nonfungible tokens

Twitter all-overs on the NFT bandwagon. 

Twitter Releases First NFTs

Twitter is entering the NFT space. 

The amusing media website teased seven pieces in a alternation of tweets from its official annual Wednesday. In the antecedent column announcement the drop, Twitter’s aggregation wrote that it would be absolution “140 chargeless NFTs for 140 of you, besties.”

Twitter’s official account, which has over 59 actor followers, additionally adapted its bio to apprehend “dropping NFTs all day.” 

The seven pieces are listed on Rarible, a accepted exchange for trading Ethereum-based NFTs (the listings agenda that the pieces are “Not for sale.”)

The pieces are heavily themed on the amusing media platform: one makes advertence to Jack Dorsey’s first-ever tweet, while addition shows the change of the Twitter logo. 

NFTs, contrarily accepted as non-fungible tokens, are a blazon of asset that accept their own accompanying abstracts recorded on a blockchain. They can beset agenda art, music, tweets, and aloof about any added blazon of content, and are advantageous for proving the buyer and absence of an asset. Most NFTs are agenda items, admitting they can additionally be acclimated for concrete pieces such as paintings. 

Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s architect and CEO, has experimented with the technology in contempo months, releasing a tokenized adaptation of his aboriginal cheep via the Cent platform. Yesterday, he additionally alluded to his absorption in the amplitude in advertence to Tidal, the music alive belvedere he runs with Jay-Z. Those comments came afterwards he affirmed that his capital absorption in crypto is with Bitcoin (though NFTs can abide on Bitcoin, Twitter’s pieces accept been minted on Ethereum). 

Twitter is one of the world’s best accepted amusing media apps, acclimated by about 200 actor circadian alive users.

Editor’s note: The commodity has been adapted to accommodate a articulation to the NFTs on Rarible.  

Disclosure: At the time of writing, the columnist of this affection endemic ETH, ETH2X-FLI, and several added cryptocurrencies.