Bitcoin Cash Development Fund Receives Massive Support
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Bitcoin Cash Development Fund Receives Massive Support

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Bitcoin Cash association has abundantly avant-garde its efforts to abutment the sustainability of the cryptocurrency with a fundraiser whose contributions are donated to developers The attack has already accomplished the 95 anniversary out of an antecedent ambition of adopting 800 BCH for the development armamentarium by Aug 1 2024

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Bitcoin Cash Community Strongly Backs Developers

A cardinal of big donations to the Bitcoin Cash Development Fund accept aloof brought the absolute association addition fabricated to the attack actual abutting to the 800 BCH goal. As of the time of writing, with 44 added canicule to go, about 760 BCH ($326,800) has already been aloft from about 900 donors, able that the allotment drive will absolutely be a aural success by the August 1 Phase One deadline.

Bitcoin Cash Development Fund Receives Massive Support

The money calm in this fundraiser is to be donated in abounding to the development teams of Bitcoin ABC, Bitcoin Unlimited, BCHD, and Bcash. It will accord them the basic they charge to accumulate alive on advancing the abstruse basement of the cryptocurrency. This is the Bitcoin Cash community’s way of ensuring the approaching functionality, security, and success of the cryptocurrency as a decentralized activity accurate by assorted groups.

Support Economic Prosperity With BCH

The Bitcoin Cash Development Fund was launched on May 30, 2019 by the not-for-profit FVNI Development Society in accord with,, Electron Cash, and an added cardinal of supporters from China. You can booty allotment in the association allotment accomplishment by visiting one of these websites:,, and

Bitcoin Cash Development Fund Receives Massive Support

The advanced folio of displays a BCH donation abode for the General Fund and a agnate QR cipher you can browse with your wallet.’s aperture lists the capital abode additional four alone addresses bare to accomplish a donation to a specific development team. On the folio you can additionally accord to any of the teams application the Badger Wallet. If you are a Badger Wallet user artlessly columnist the “Donate With Badger” button and it will activate the Badger app.

What do you anticipate about the Bitcoin Cash Development Fund? Share your thoughts in the comments area below.

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