Cardano Founder Reacts To News That Twitter Is Considering Selling To Elon Musk

Cardano Founder Reacts To News That Twitter Is Considering Selling To Elon Musk

THELOGICALINDIAN - Elon Musks bid for Twitter has not slowed bottomward afterwards the billionaire fabricated a aperitive 465 billion action for the microblogging belvedere Twitters lath has been in talks about the action although not yet advancing up with any cogent accommodation on the issue

Lately though, there accept been talks that the lath has been acerb because demography Musk’s action and affairs the amusing media giant. If this happens, it would put Musk 100% in ascendancy of Twitter. With account of Twitter’s lath because demography the offer, Cardano architect Charles Hoskison has taken to the amusing media belvedere to allotment his thoughts on this.

Hoskinson Is Down For It

Responding to a cheep that said that Twitter was finalizing a accord to advertise the amusing media behemothic to the billionaire, Hoskinson had aggregate a GIF that showed his amusement at the news. The GIF which showed amateur Nicholas Cage in a accompaniment of beatitude acutely corresponded Hoskison’s achievement with this news. 

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This does not appear as a abruptness admitting accustomed that the Cardano architect has been articulate about his abutment of Elon Musk affairs out Twitter. Even back the lath of admiral had initially angry bottomward the billionaire’s offer, Hoskinson had proposed that he and Musk body a decentralized adversary for Twitter that would run on not alone the Cardano blockchain but on added chains such as Bitcoin, which Musk is aboveboard a fan of.

What Does Musk Want With Twitter?

SpaceX CEO and billionaire Elon Musk has ahead acquaint what can be advised as a abbreviate ‘manifesto’ for what he affairs to do with the amusing media belvedere already he buys it. According to him, he affairs to advance chargeless accent on the platform.

Must has additionally said that he affairs to accumulate as abounding clandestine shareholders in the company’s the law will allow. He additionally affairs to “authenticate all absolute humans” and defeat the spam bots that affliction Twitter or “die trying”.

Twitter amount blueprint on

Not anybody in the crypto amplitude is animated about Musk’s accommodation to buy Twitter though. Ethereum architect Vitalik Buterin has lamented adverse takeovers such as this, answer that article like this “could calmly go *very* wrong”.

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Nevertheless, Musk does not plan to aback bottomward by the attending of things. The billionaire has additionally appropriate affairs his shares in the aggregation is his accord is not accepted, which is currently sitting at a 9.2% stake. A sell-off which could calmly catchbasin the amount of the stock.