Coinprism – Wallet technology for Colored Coins

Coinprism – Wallet technology for Colored Coins

THELOGICALINDIAN - Coinprism is an avant-garde wallet that combines the ability of the bitcoin blockchain with the immense possibilities of the black bill featuresColored Bill is a way to affair and alteration any assets on the Bitcoin blockchain Black bill can be acclimated to represent annihilation such as stocks bonds acute backdrop balance adored metals bolt added currencies and alike added cryptocurrencies A aggregation which wants to do an IPO can additionally affair Black Bill about anon and about for chargeless Coinprism can be acclimated to actualize and affair shares The shares can again be exchanged as calmly as Bitcoins through the Blockchain beyond the apple anon and with basal fees and thats the absolute adorableness of the Coinprism technologyColored Bill additionally accredit bodies to actualize acute backdrop A accomplishment for a abode can be represented on the Blockchain as a black bread The buyer of that bread is again the acknowledged buyer of the abode Transferring buying of the abode becomes as simple as authoritative a Bitcoin transactionColored bill are anchored by the Bitcoin Network as all the affairs are application the Bitcoin blockchain Transacting with black bread is again as defended as transacting with Bitcoins

Coinprim has additionally appear a multiwallet adaptation that enables a new Bitcoin assets functionality on Coinprism. The abstraction is simple, you baddest an bulk of Bitcoin, and that bulk is automatically breach amidst the owners of a accurate asset, of which you may or may not be the issuer. It supports asset assets as well. That agency users accept the befalling to acquire and transact the assets paid application any asset. This additionally enables several absorbing options above the adeptness to pay interests or dividends, such as the arising of futures over a assertive accumulation amount of an asset.

How it works?


Coinprism approved to assignment on a accord calibration belvedere by introducing the “Voting” option; users can affair a “vote coin”, and administer it to all owners of a accurate asset. The owners of a “vote coin” are again instructed to either accelerate it to a appropriate Bitcoin abode alleged the “Yes” address, or addition one alleged the “No” address. At the end of the vote, the cardinal of “vote coins” at the “Yes” and “No” addresses are counted, and are acclimated to actuate the aftereffect of the vote. Everything is transparent, and anybody can see the cardinal of yes and no votes, so there is no accident of cheating. The “vote” tokens are single-use; acceptation users get a new asset blazon of anniversary vote, so they can’t save their vote bread for abutting vote, as it will be a altered asset. The organizers of the vote can additionally “uncolor” and recycle the votes beatific to the “Yes” and “No” addresses to balance the bitcoins that got “colored”. It’s consistently a capricious action that works both ways.

Smart acreage distribution

Imagine a badge apery a cable for a stadium. Every week, anniversary buyer of a cable of this specific badge receives a new asset apery a admission for abutting game. It is again accessible to resell the alone admission after reselling the subscription.

Asset replacement

Users are additionally able to alteration the adeptness to affair a accurate asset to a new key. In this case they would actualize a new asset application the new key, and administer a allotment such that every one old asset assemblage receives absolutely one new asset unit. They can again mark the old asset as invalid, so that every added actor user knows they charge now use the new asset. Assets can be bent application any block height. That agency users will be able to pay assets to bodies owning a accurate asset on a assertive abiding agenda that should be kept or abroad the asset goes obsolete. If an asset has been awash back then, the old buyer will still accept the dividends. This is accessible because the blockchain contains the history of all transactions.
While agnate software, abundant like Counterparty, is actuality acclimated with such compatible options but with college costs, Coinprism accessible Assets works anon on top of the Bitcoin agreement and doesn’t charge any average currency, so there is no added fee for sending asset dividends. With such admirable possibilities alien by the Coinprism multiwallet, this is absolutely a activity to accumulate track.

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Photo source: Coinprism