Electric Coin Company Reveals Zcash Network to Transition to Proof-of-Stake in 3 Years

Electric Coin Company Reveals Zcash Network to Transition to Proof-of-Stake in 3 Years

THELOGICALINDIAN - On Friday Electric Coin Company ECC the developers abaft the privacycentric cryptoasset zcash appear the arrangement affairs to alteration to proofofstake PoS accord ECC additionally appear the aggregation affairs to barrage an official ECC wallet as able-bodied as bolster the networks crosschain interoperability

Zcash to Change From PoW to PoS

The Zcash arrangement currently leverages a proof-of-work mining algorithm alleged Equihash, which allows miners to attempt in adjustment to acquisition new blocks on the Zcash chain. In a blog column appear on November 19, ECC announced the arrangement will alteration against a proof-of-stake (PoS) accord algorithm over the abutting three years. Zooko Wilcox-O’Hearn discussed the arrangement affective from PoW to PoS in a blog post appear on August 3, 2021.

Furthermore, ECC’s CTO Nate Wilcox additionally appear a blog post about the PoS accountable a anniversary afterwards Zooko’s post. In the roadmap column appear on Friday, ECC explains that transitioning to PoS will “increase the account for ZEC through capabilities that accommodate crop bearing through staking.” Alongside this, PoS can additionally advance the ZEC alternation against onchain “governance mechanisms,” the ECC roadmap details.

ECC Looks Toward a ‘Reduction of Zcash’s Energy Footprint’ Zcash-Based ASIC Miners Still Rule the Roost

ECC’s blog column added states that a PoS-based ZEC alternation can accord to the “reduction of the ZEC activity footprint.” During the advance of the year, PoW accord algorithms accept accustomed a lot of criticism apropos PoW’s aftereffect on the environment. ECC’s roadmap column adds:

The amount per zcash (ZEC) has jumped a abundant accord back the account and is up 23.6% during the aftermost 24 hours. During the antecedent launch, the Zcash network’s blocks were candy by miners with cartoon processing units (GPUs) but during the aftermost few years, application-specific chip ambit (ASIC) miners accept taken over.

At the time of writing, a Bitmain Antminer Z15 that processes the Equihash algorithm at 420 ksol/s gets $33.44 per day in ZEC rewards. Innosilicon’s A9 Zmaster does about 140ksol/s and gets $8.13 per day in accumulation application today’s ZEC barter rate.

What do you anticipate about Zcash transitioning over to PoS? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments area below.

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