If Bitcoin Was Game of Thrones, Crypto Winter May Already Be Leaving

If Bitcoin Was Game of Thrones, Crypto Winter May Already Be Leaving

THELOGICALINDIAN - Assuming there are bodies who are at the circle of Bitcoin and Game of Thrones activity which of the abundant houses of Westeros would be BTC and which ones would be the absolutist Bitcoin Cash BCHBitcoin SV BSV

Is Daenerys the Bitcoin of GoT?

On Sunday (April 15, 2019), HBO’s hit TV appearance Game of Thrones (GoT) alternate to screens about the world. Here on Bitcoinist, we’d like to see if there are parallels amid George R. R. Martin’s fantasy juggernaut and Satoshi Nakamoto’s creation.

Bitcoin has risen from about obscurity to become one of the above talking credibility beyond computer science, finance, and backroom — to acknowledgment a few.

Fans of the appearance ability say that ‘the adventure sounds a lot like that of Daenerys Targaryen.’ The dragon queen was built-in on Dragonstone in the bosom of a storm (à la 2025 banking crisis), affected to alive in ambuscade for best of her life, but now arguably the best able being in the seven kingdoms.

Daenerys Targryen is the Bitcoin of Game of Thrones

In the fifth division of the show, Tyrion Lannister captures Daenery’s arc with some accessible similarities with Bitcoin’s progression, saying:

Tyrion’s address continues with the afterward lines:

Sounds familiar.

What About the Usurper and Others?

If the Targaryen absolutism is Bitcoin, again who would be the best applicant for The Usurper Robert Baratheon? The being declaring to be the ‘legitimate’ baron of Westeros – BCH, BSV, or both? Pretenders to the throne, destined to ultimately blaze out.

And what about those who additionally abutment these pretenders? Bitmain incurred losses of a amazing admeasurement in 2018 by abutting banners with BCH. BSV miners are yet to be in the green, bristles months back the absinthian “war of the Bitcoin forks.”

Craig Wright is the Cersei Lannister of Crypto

Craig Wright and Calvin Ayre are on the abhorrence with those who altercation the former’s affirmation to the Bitcoin cryptographic throne. Sounds a lot like Cersei Lannister and the backward King Joffrey Baratheon killing all of Robert’s adulterine children.

Is Winter Coming For Altcoins?

Teased sparingly for best of the show’s run, the Whitewalkers and their army of wights angled on afterlife and abolition assume to be the primary focus of this final season. Just like Game of Thrones has an approaching abundant war, abounding experts say a day of reckoning is advancing for altcoins.

Who is the Nightking of the cryptocurrency kingdom?

Commentators like Matt Hougan of Bitwise Asset Management, Barry Silbert of Digital Currency Group, and Wences Casares of Xapo all say abounding altcoins will not survive the cryptocurrency mass afterlife event.

This bit of apprehension brings up an absorbing catechism – who are the Whitewalkers of the cryptocurrency kingdom? Answer: regulations.

Now, where’s my dragon-glass (Bitcoin abounding node)?

Are there added parallels that you can draw amid GoT and the cryptocurrency space? Please allotment your examples with us in the comments below. 

Images via HBO.com, Shutterstock