News Summary 10/19 – 10/26

News Summary 10/19 – 10/26


This week, Bitcoinist has appear two accomplished accessories on the affair of DPOS, or delegated Affidavit of Stake. Both accounting by Alberto Mata, DPOS is a new affection that Bitshares is talking about, which they accept solves problems of both affidavit or assignment and affidavit of pale systems alike, abacus addition band of aegis by countering the abrogating furnishings of assurance centralization. One actuality that is acicular out about is that it a DPOS arrangement is still accessible to 51% attacks, but the amount would be abundant college compared to addition systems. To apprehend added appointment the afterward articles:

Dan Larimer talks on Delegated Proof of Stake

On Delegated Proof of Stake (DPOS)

BTCSim simulates the acceleration of Bitcoin

BTTCSim, a software developed by Conformal Systems, is currently beneath development over at Github and shows abeyant technology bottlenecks Bitcoin would accept to overcome. These ambit from statistics such as best block admeasurement (32 MBfor a distinct arrangement active a abounding node) all the way to possibilities of transaction ante of 2024 tps (transactions per seconds). In adjustment to attempt with acclaim agenda companies 3,000 tps ante however, Bitcoin would charge 10 apparatus amassed nodes at the actual minimum. BTCSim aloof goes to appearance how abundant growing Bitcoin still has to do afore it can hit boilerplate use, and the accompanying transaction amount that comes forth with it. To apprehend the abounding commodity accounting by Alberto Mata, appointment the afterward commodity below.

BTCSim simulates the acceleration of Bitcoin

Umbrella: Insure your Cryptocurrencies!

With the bulk of exchanges on the acceleration that are either afraid or insolvent, its boxy to await on a exchange. After all, they maybe safe one day and abandon the next. This is area Umbrella comes in. Umbrella utilizes the alloyed abundance arrangement to not alone defended its networks security, but to use a allocation of anniversary block accolade as accessory in the book that an barter does go bottomward or insolvent. The account I had with Robert Murray goes over aloof this and abundant more. To apprehend the abounding article, visit:

Umbrella Holdings: Insure your Cryptocurrencies!

Wences Casares talks History of Money

The CEO and Founder of Xapo, Wences Casares, afresh batten about Bitcoin as able-bodied the history of money on Big Thinks YouTube channel. Essentially, money acquired from application a abstract balance to a cold ledger, and that is area we as able-bodied as Bitcoin are now. This accustomed bodies to accurately almanac affairs as able-bodied as debts so they could be satisfactory to all parties. The commodity accounting by Alberto Mata goes abundant added indepth, as able-bodied as includes a articulation to the video, which are both below.

Wences Casares talks History of Money

Wences Casares video