Online Marketing Made Fun With ShareBits

Online Marketing Made Fun With ShareBits

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin barter CCEDK and crypto association BeyondBitcoinorg accept abutting armament in the new ShareBits action which aims to advice individuals businesses and NGOs use blockchain technology for viral online marketing

Disclaimer: This commodity was provided by Bitcoin PR Buzz. Bitcoinist is not amenable for the articles and/or casework of the companies represented by this firm.

Online Business ShareBits allows bodies and organizations to administer crypto tokens on assorted amusing media platforms — such as Twitter and Reddit — as able-bodied as forums and URL links. The tokens will be broadcast through tip-bot facilities, giving an accessible way for individuals or organizations to use the ShareBits belvedere for their business campaigns.

In accession to the platform’s built-in ShareBits, users can actualize their own tokens on OpenLedger, which “allows you to catechumen bitcoin to fiat-pegged SmartCoins instantly.” Operated by CCEDK, OpenLedger guarantees its users acceleration and security, as able-bodied as the adeptness to absorb your money “anywhere above debit cards are accepted.” OpenLedger additionally offers its barter security, sending money anon to its destination with no middleman, as able-bodied as accepting accounts with multi-signature protection.

ShareBits users can additionally use OpenLedger to barter their tokens for bitcoin, BitShares and added cryptocurrencies, as able-bodied as authorization currencies such as USD and EUR.

The Sharebot, the crammer of the ShareBits platform, is congenital on second-generation cryptocurrency belvedere Bitshares, which enables bodies to accelerate tokens from approved amusing media accounts and accept them access at their destinations aural seconds. Presently, Sharebot supports Twitter, Reddit and URL links. The tip bot’s affinity will become abundant aloft the absolution of its open-source API, which will acquiesce amusing networks or appointment developers to add their platforms to the Sharebot.

ShareBits Brings ‘Gamification’ to Online Marketing

As technology takes over the world, acceptable a axial allotment of activity in the Millennial Generation, accepted announcement methods accept become beneath effective. According to Ronny Boesing of CCEDK, Millennials “are about attractive for a added accurate experience, for allusive connection.” Boesing additionally believes that companies accept to assignment harder to aftermath cast adherence amid Millennials, commenting, “if you accretion their assurance they can be angrily loyal to your brand, but they won’t accord you article for nothing. Those questions of amount and assurance are article that we are anon acclamation with blockchain technology.”

ShareBits hopes to accommodate abroad for marketers to accomplish breakthroughs in the Millennial ambition demographic, authoritative announcement added fun and interactive. Through the ShareBot, marketers can accord their ambition demographics article with absolute value. The ShareBits-distributed tokens can be adored for articles and services, or beatific to accompany and family, authoritative the announcement action added hands-on and game-like. “Gamification,” the use of game-like attempt such as point-scoring and rewards, are a accurate success in the avant-garde business world, and ShareBits wants to booty advantage of that.

Off to a Strong Start

On Valentine’s Day, ShareBits organized a “sharedrop” of 250,000 of its built-in tokens, which offers acquirement abject on Sharebot’s approaching in come. Over the advance of 24 hours, 60 percent of the Sharebits tokens were accustomed out to the community. 20 percent of that went to bodies who donated to ShareBit’s development. The added 40 percent was beatific to holders of BROWNIE.PTS, the badge that BitShares advance developer Bytemaster has accustomed to association associates who accept helped advance the BitShares technology.

Overall, the ShareBits belvedere has apparent some able antecedent activity. According to the statistics page on its website, 5,329 tips accept been issued on the ShareBits platform, accretion 27,687 BTS.

About OpenLedger

Decentralized barter belvedere OpenLedger enables anyone to easily actualize and activate virally distributing blockchain based crypto tokens immediately through the ShareBits platform. ShareBits themselves can additionally be traded for Bitcoin, BitShares, and abounding added cryptocurrencies, as able-bodied as authorization such as USD and EUR through OpenLedger’s decentralized barter platform.

For added advice about ShareBits, amuse visit:

To actualize your own crypto tokens for administration via ShareBits amuse go to:

View OpenLedger tutorial videos on Youtube at:

To apprentice added about Beyond Bitcoin, co-founder of ShareBits, amuse go to:

Visit the ShareBits appointment at:

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