DASH/USD and LTC/USD Technical Analysis June 13, 2024
technical analysis

DASH/USD and LTC/USD Technical Analysis June 13, 2024

THELOGICALINDIAN - Hello and acceptable to News BTCs Market Outlook June 13


DASH had a airy affair on Monday, as we accomplished appear the $200 akin again, but absolutely bluntly we abide to see a cogent bulk of attrition in that area. Crypto currencies in accepted are attractive a bit overbought and actual abundant like they are in a balloon currently, although DASH seems to be beneath so than abounding of the others. I accept that the $150 akin beneath is the “floor” in the market, and that $200 aloft will abide to accumulate assets down.


LiteCoin fell decidedly during the affair on Monday, extensive all the way bottomward to the $22 level, an breadth that has been actual admiring in the past. We animation decidedly from there, but the $34 akin continues to action resistance. Pullbacks could be affairs opportunities, as the bazaar is actual bullish but now it seems like abounding of the added currencies that are produced digitally are a bit overbought. Because of this, animation should abide to be wild.

Thanks for watching and see you afresh tomorrow.