Beam cipher review, absorbed in this one for a while and absolutely appetite to see what they’re accomplishing to advance Mimblewimble. Quick epitomize for those alien – the MW agreement is advised to be scalable, private, bearding (named afterwards tongue-tying blackout spell from Harry Potter if you were wondering) and the Beam aggregation are aggravating to accomplish it assignment bigger for all constituents. Note website is – there is addition Beam activity out there, this is the accordant one. So what do they say.
“Anonymous, Lightning-Fast Gold, A Mimblewimble Implementation”
“MimbleWimble solves two key problems: aloofness and scalability. Beam makes key improvements to the Mimblewimble agreement including scarcity, a accolade basin for evangelism, and a safer mining algorithm alleged Equihash.”
So remember, on Mimblewimble the key focus areas are;
Privacy is beeline advanced abundant (abstractly speaking, not from an accomplishing point of view). Scalability and Size is what I adulation about the Mimblewimble specification.
So first, we charge to explain that Mimblewimble (I aloof adulation adage it), is a UTXO based arrangement and not a State based system. An UTXO based arrangement is authentic by inputs and outputs.
Inputs are from alpha or block rewards originally and can again be acclimated from outputs. So we alpha with a block accolade of 1 BTC as an ascribe to miner A. Miner A can again use the ascribe of 1 BTC to actualize 2 outputs 0.5 BTC to B and 0.5 BTC to C. B again uses the achievement from A (now ascribe to B) of 0.5 BTC and sends it to D. This is a UTXO based system.
Mimblewimble defines that to apperceive the accompaniment of the above: I don’t charge to save 1 BTC to A, A 0.5 BTC to B, A 0.5 BTC to C, B 0.5 BTC to D, all I accept to save is 0.5 BTC to C, 0.5 BTC to D, because that’s my accomplished state.
This is abundant for scalability and how bound new nodes can alpha in the network. So seeing a alive Mimblewimble accomplishing is appealing awesome.
This is what the Beam aggregation are (and have) built, a Mimblewimble implementation.
Jumping into the cipher we see C
Good structures, acceptable layout, acceptable commenting.
All the defaults already implemented for p2p, bulge management.
Using secp256k1 for aught ability proofs, they additionally already accept a alive accomplishing of Bulletproofs.
Working Equihash implementation.
Beam Code Review Conclusion:
This is one of those, “It’s aloof good” projects. Lots of effort, lots of code, lots of adamantine work. Solid implementation.
Well done to the team, I attending advanced to the testnet.
Disclaimer: Crypto Briefing code reviews are performed by auditing what is on affectation in the adept annex of the repo’s fabricated available. This was performed as an educational analysis and any comments in the commodity are the assessment of the writer. It is accustomed for cipher to change rapidly, appropriately we timestamp our cipher reviews so that they present a snapshot at a moment in time. Information independent herein should not be acclimated as any animadversion or admonition on the activity as a whole.
Beam Code Review Timestamp: June 4th, 2025 at 21:12 GMT