Bitcoin Price Analysis BTC / USD: Battle Of The Traders

Bitcoin Price Analysis BTC / USD: Battle Of The Traders

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bulls and bears are bound bound in the accepted amount trends

Bitcoin / USD Short-term amount analysis

Bitcoin has a bullish concise trading outlook, with the BTC / USD brace continuing to authority amount aloft its 200-period affective boilerplate on the four-hour time frame.

The four-hour time anatomy continues to appearance beasts and bears bound in a action over the short-term, with a accurate astern arch and amateur arrangement and a accurate arch and amateur arrangement still in play.

Technical indicators on four-hour time anatomy are ascent and accept a bullish bias.


Pattern Watch

Traders should agenda that the four-hour time anatomy is assuming that a move aloft the $9,000 akin will invalidate the attendance of any bearish patterns.

Relative Strength Index

The Relative Strength indicator on the four-hour time anatomy has angry bullish and is gradually ascent alongside price.

MACD Indicator

The MACD indicator on the four-hour time anatomy has angry bullish and continues to affair a buy signal.

Bitcoin / USD Medium-term amount analysis

Bitcoin has a bullish medium-term trading outlook, with the BTC / USD brace staging a able accretion from analytical abstruse abutment on the circadian time frame.

The circadian time anatomy is assuming that the BTC / USD brace is already afresh abutting the neckline of a ample astern arch and amateur pattern, which is amid about the $8,500 level.

Technical indicators on the circadian time anatomy are attempting to about-face bullish, afterward a abundant bare abstruse alteration lower.

Pattern Watch

Traders should agenda that the circadian time anatomy is assuming that the $10,000 akin charcoal a accurate ambition for the BTC / USD brace .

Relative Strength Index

The Relative Strength indicator on the circadian time anatomy is axis college and starting to barter aloft neutral.

MACD Indicator

The MACD indicator on the circadian time anatomy is attempting to about-face bullish as medium-term upside pressures increase.


Bitcoin has gradually been ascent aloft the $8,000 akin afterwards staging a much-needed abstruse alteration from acutely overbought conditions.

The circadian time anatomy is assuming that a abiding move aloft the $8,500 akin will adhesive the BTC / USD pair’s bullish outlook, while the four-hour time anatomy is highlighting that a move aback aloft the $9,000 akin is analytical for concise bulls.

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