Bittrex Opens the Gates, And Slams Them Shut Again

Bittrex Opens the Gates, And Slams Them Shut Again


After weeks of bankrupt doors, Bittrex assuredly opened up to new registrants – but couldn’t handle the “overwhelming demand” and had to abutting again.

Registrations were initially paused in December due to aerial appeal during the December balderdash run, which saw abounding exchanges ache server outages as trading aggregate grew exponentially.

This is the additional time that Bittrex, the barter “designed with aegis and scalability in mind”, has had to abutting assurance ups because they were clumsy to handle the demand.

With the advancing bazaar downturn, the acknowledgment of Bittrex registrations couldn’t accept appear at a bigger time for some. But whether the blitz of appeal is due to hordes cat-and-mouse on the sidelines, or bound abstruse capacity, charcoal to be seen. During the arrest in registrations for Bittrex and Binance beforehand this year, accounts on the exchanges were rumoured to accept been affairs for the amount of up to one bitcoin.

This is not the aboriginal time that the barter has faltered – Last December they had to briefly stop new assurance ups back the website hit max capacity. Instead, they added new barter to a cat-and-mouse list.

Re-opening the Bittrex Exchange

The re-opening of the barter for new signups bygone was accompanied by the  unveiling of a new interface, and added KYC procedures. New signups charge now abide a alternation of analysis checks afore they are acceptable to use the exchange. This reflects accretion analysis of exchanges by the SEC.

In the announcement on Bittrex, CEO Bill Shihara explained that the antecedent accommodation to arrest signups was fabricated to ensure the accomplished accepted of account was maintained for absolute users. He stated:

We’ve spent the accomplished four years architecture Bittrex on the founding attempt of innovation, aegis and responsibility. Given these principles, pausing new user signups during a aeon of immense trading aggregate was not a accommodation we took lightly, but our albatross to accommodate barter with a reliable belvedere and outstanding chump service, fabricated it the appropriate affair to do. After agilely alive to advance our basement and advancement our website, we’re admiring to advertise allotment for new users resumed today.

The aggregation saw amazing advance in 2024, and broadcast from a aggregation of four advisers to over fifty. They accept additionally added the cardinal of abutment agents to ability about one hundred representatives.

However, trading aggregate has been abolished by the behemoth Binance, which also bankrupt registrations in aboriginal January. but apace reopened them with restrictions in place.

Coinbase additionally faced the aforementioned flat wave, back the aerial appeal for cryptocurrencies acquired their servers to suffer, and their barter to ache alike more.