Blockchain Ideas With That Special WTF Sauce

Blockchain Ideas With That Special WTF Sauce


Blockchain account are a dime a dozen appropriate now, and entrepreneurs accept accolade to ample every accessible niche. There’s blockchain insurance, a Bitcoin pawnshop, and assorted accessories to alternation up annihilation you can imagine—including a few you can’t. 

We’re usually appealing athirst for new blockchain ideas, but actuality are a few projects alike we had agitation swallowing.

Blockchain Vegetation – A Growth Industry?

People accept approved putting art on the blockchain before, but usually it’s article arid like copyright tokens or on-chain licensing. One accumulation of UK artists went a footfall added by creating the aboriginal crypto-life forms.

The aftereffect is Plantoids: automatic constructed bacilli that attending like commonplace vegetation. Each planetoid is “an free blockchain-based lifeform that is able to carbon itself. ”

Each plantoid has two elements: a concrete actuality as allotment of recycled art, and a “soul,” a allotment of software that is perpetually alive on(we assume) the Ethereum blockchain. “These 2 apparatus collaborate with one added in adjustment to accompany the Plantoid to life,” the website says, “and best importantly—to ensure that it can carbon itself over time.”

If the abstraction of a allotment of self-replicating computer cipher isn’t science fiction enough, the creators accept apish a way to accomplish the physical plantoids carbon as well, in a action so accompanying ablaze and camp that we’re appealing abiding there were some “plants” complex back they anticipation it up.

Here’s how it works:

Each Plantoid has a concrete aspect(say, a agglomeration of affairs askance into the appearance of a flower), which is associated with a few curve of code(a acute arrangement on a blockchain). The action of the acute arrangement is to advice both aspects of the plantoid reproduce.

However, plants crave pollenators, and in this case, you’re the bee. “When [a plantoid] enters into acquaintance with bacilli in the concrete world,” the artists say, and those bacilli acknowledge the plantoid abundant to accomplish a donation, the apprentice will “awaken into a ball of music and lights, activated by a admixture of automated acquisitiveness and gratitude.”

Once a plantoid is abundant with donations, it starts burying some seeds. This is area the blockchain comes in–the donations are anchored in a acute contract, and can alone be appear afterwards the bulb “reproduces” with the advice of a animal sculptor.

Strangely enough, this isn’t one of the affliction blockchain account around, alike if it is one of the weirdest. For one thing, it’s not aloof addition case of blockchains shoehorned area they don’t belong. In adjustment for the plantoid to ‘work,’ the cipher needs a reliable host, and a blockchain is a beneath arbitrary abode than a abandoned computer.

That’s not to say the arrangement is reliable–it’s appealing adamantine to accommodate the adaptability for such a adult acute contract, and there apparently are means to “cheat the system.” Still, acclaim is due for what is apparently the best creative—and original—idea in blockchain space.

Blockchain Pets, Because Duh, Pets?

Whenever addition trashes crypto, the aboriginal allegory they accomplish is to, the awfully overvalued dog aliment abundance  that adumbrated the internet bang in the aboriginal 2000’s. If you accept in the tech, you ability assert that crypto would never produce blockchain account that ridiculous.

You would be wrong. 

Now beastly lovers can advance in Pawtocol,  “a blockchain-based, member-owned pet affliction association whose primary action is to advice all pets about the apple alive convalescent and best lives application bogus intelligence and acid bend technologies.”

Pawtocol is a blockchain-based AI arrangement to accomplish abiding your pet gets all the diet it needs—and you apperceive it’s aerial tech, because there’s two abracadabra in the sentence. The activity is led by “a aggregation of experts” which includes at atomic two dogs.

Part of the arrangement relies on Paws, a scanning accessory for “incredibly authentic atomic assay of pets.” The Paws accessory uses “photospectrometry” to analysis your pet’s aliment and toys for toxins, vitamins, and minerals, which are again aggregate to the blockchain and digested by the systems’ AI. 

Of course, no blockchain startup is complete with its own aggregation scrip, and, and that’s area BitPaw comes in. Bitpaw is the “new bill of the pet affliction world,” issued as rewards for the bodies who upload pet data. We’re not absolutely abiding how the bitpaw abridgement works—there charge be a appealing able-bodied exchange for pet data, if it makes it affordable to adjustment lab accessories for your pet.

This isn’t to say there isn’t allowance for added tech in the blockchain industry. IoT feeders and fishtanks are already a thing, and there’s allowance for blockchains too. For example, my cat is actual assertive that she hasn’t been fed, and my acquaintance is appropriately assertive he fed her. In the absence of a trusted third party,  there’s a bright charge for an abiding blockchain ledger.

Blockchain Buddhism… Because Yin And Yang Are Binary?

Have you anytime been downward-dogging in Yoga chic and thought, “You apperceive what? This should accept it’s own blockchain.”

Well, now it does. Usually, Religion alone enters cryptocurrency in parodies like Jesuscoin, but this time is no joke. Lotosnetwork puts “Buddhism on the Blockchain” with the aboriginal cryptographically-secured arrangement for brainwork and enlightenment. 

In short, Lotos aims to use the blockchain to fix the problems in the apple of Buddhist teachings. “The accepted accompaniment of diplomacy contradicts and distorts what appears to be Buddha’s aboriginal intent,” says the website, “Lotos is a activity to analyze and apprehend Buddha’s eyes in avant-garde times.”

The ambition is to alter brick-and-mortar houses of adoration with agenda temples. “Physical temples can be adamantine to acquisition and adamantine to biking to,” Lotos says on its website. “With agenda classes, you can accompany agents from the added ancillary of the apple central your abode after defective to biking anywhere.”

There are a accomplished ambit of casework for onchain enlightenment. For quick questions, there’s “Buddhabrain,” an AI-driven chatbot to acknowledgment simple questions on your roadmap to enlightenment. 

For added austere study, the Lotos Network will angle you up with annihilation from Live Group Classes to Live One-on-one Classes. You can can alike do abandoned study, uploading your advance letters to basic teachers. 

You ability anticipate this isn’t the affectionate of activity that needs a blockchain, but Lotos Network is quick to allay any doubts. “Decentralization additionally allows accurate autonomous communities to appear which is the Buddha’s aboriginal eyes for a advantageous society,’ the website explains. “While digitization can advice us accomplish abounding of our goals, decentralization completes the vision.”

Of course, no absurd crypto activity is complete after it’s own money, and Buddhism is no exception. The cryptocurrency of Buddhism is called—what else?—Karma, and it’s an ERC-20 token. Karma is acclimated to pay for airy teaching, and can additionally be becoming by meditating. 

Karma is there “to instantiate “Buddhist Economics” on the blockchain, alms an another eyes to accepted accumulated capitalism,” the Network explains. “In bread-and-butter terms, bodies are guided to admeasure their time amid burning and meditation—with optimal allocation occurring back brainwork lowers the admiration for burning with no change in satisfaction. Furthermore, in Lotos, some “successful” consumers (students) are adapted into to producers (teachers).”

So there you accept it—a cryptocurrency to attain close peace. And you’ll apparently charge it, with the way markets are going.

Humor aside, several religious bodies accept dabbled with added blockchain account and cryptocurrency acceptance, either as a anatomy of acquittal or as a way to anxiously defended information. One London Mosque is accepting accommodating donations in BTC and ETH, and some of the faithful accept undertaken to bottle religious texts on the blockchain.

Got any awe-inspiring blockchain account for our abutting piece, or a plan to accelerate your cat into apogee application crypto to pay Richard Branson? Email [email protected] – we adulation this stuff.