Blockcloud Code Review IoT Protocol

Blockcloud Code Review IoT Protocol


So in this Blockcloud cipher analysis I’ll additionally accord you a quick arrow about the problems the aggregation is attractive to break here, they’re absolute activity problems for the IoT whether you’re an IoT fan or not. Additionally it makes a nice change from accepting to altercate sharding, so let’s adore the actuality that we’re talking about things like low computational unpredictably affective nodes.

There’s a abounding ICO analysis for this one too. Jump here.

Start with their buzzwords, this is consistently a nice countdown to what they’re up to.

“A blockchain-based avant-garde TCP/IP architectonics abutting every dots of your life”

Not a lot of abstruse advice on the website. Let’s go to the whitepaper.

“Blockcloud: Empowering IoT through a Service-centric Blockchain”

Service-centric Networking (SCN)

Quick album on connectivity. What happens back you visit Your browser aboriginal needs to acquisition out area is For this we accept DNS (Domain Name Service), if you anytime looked at your connectivity you would see your ip, your gateway, and your DNS server. These are our credibility of access area we start.

So we ask the DNS server, do you know It might, or it will say that it doesn’t, but it knows .com, and it gives you the IP of the server(s) managing .com, you again ask .com if it knows, and it this case it best acceptable does, and it gives you an IP. So, now we accept an IP. Now we can ask that IP via TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) if it has annihilation on anchorage 80 (or 443 for HTTPS).

To visualize, anticipate of a business name, you chase the business name in Google maps and you get an address. You go to that abode and you ask if they are confined cafeteria (maybe they aren’t) but addition will acquaint you. This is what we are doing.

Once we accept accustomed that we are talking to the appropriate article and anchorage we can alpha accepting data.

This is Domain-centric Networking

So, first, what affectionate of problems could this cause? What happens if Google changes their IP but doesn’t acquaint the DNS server? What if the Google server is adaptable and consistently alteration amid networks? What if the area Google is actuality hosted on goes dark?

We accept a agglomeration of networking strategies for the above, they accommodate failover, loadbalancing, about-face proxies and a cardinal of adorned techniques that I don’t alike apperceive about.

But what if there was addition way to break this? This way, is what Blockcloud are proposing. Service-centric Networking.

So what’s different, now instead of talking to an DNS server that gives us an IP, we allocution to a SNS (I presume) that gives us a realtime area of a service.

Consider you capital to host article on your adaptable device. As your accessory switches from LTE, 4G, 3G, 2G, and Wifi or affective from corpuscle to cell, you are consistently accepting a new IP, you would charge to manually amend every time your connectivity afflicted so that the DNS servers can abide informed.

Instead, if you could accord that article a account name, again that could abstruse abroad the DNS layer, but this would crave that the article is consistently afterlight the SNS to its accepted location. This could be calmly abused, unless there was article that could acquiesce for transparency, and trust.

And assumption what, we accept blockchain.

So now, you could accept that article on your adaptable and it could consistently amend as you confused amid connectivity. Now instead of your mobile, anticipate about the billions of IoT accessories out there, car trackers for example.

Instead of defective to administer a complicated subnet you could betrayal alternation to anniversary one via a Service Name. (Also allows them to cobweb instead of defective centralized servers)

It’s a adult idea. Let’s see what they have;

4 repos. Cloth we can skip, blockcloud and NamebasedSockets attending interesting.

Started recently, 21 commits, 1 branch, 3 contributors. NamebasedSockets in blockcloud bout NamebasedSockets repo, so let’s jump into it.

We can skip .o files, let’s alpha with main

Lot’s of linux atom imports, makes sense, we are abacus a new band to TCP/IP after-all.

The comments advice a lot, I acknowledge them.

Main is beeline advanced enough, can add nodes, can annals a namespace, can allocution to a namespace. Very low akin TCP alternation here.

v4 and v6 abode abutment for registering a account name.

Credit accustomed area it’s due, top shelf.

Great to see this akin of detail and commenting with the code. Shows a lot of time has gone into it.

Ok, the C cipher for the account name registering and advice is great, let’s jump into some of the added bits.

I adulation that Subject, able-bodied done guys, I like a acceptable drudge back you are 100% cellophane about it, 10/10.

Linux applicant and server for account names

Straight advanced client-server implementation.

Blockcloud Code Review Conclusion:

Service-centric Networking is sexy, I anticipate it has a lot of appliance and use cases. From a p2p administration point of appearance it’s abundant as well. If I accept an commodity that I would like hosted I could accord it a account name, again my commodity is consistently attainable via that account name, I don’t alike charge to host it about specific anymore.

The P2P appliance for book administration and alive is absurd and this is a footfall appear a activity decentralized internet. I’m aflame to see area they booty it. The cipher accomplishing of the Service-centric Networking is solid, so that’s abundant to see.

Does that construe into acceptable blockchain development? That charcoal to be seen, these guys absolutely apperceive their low akin networking, but that doesn’t necessarily construe into acceptable blockchain development.

But alike after a blockchain, there is article absolute here. I’m aflame to see what they build.

A abounding analysis of the Blockcloud ICO is accessible here.

Disclaimer: Crypto Briefing code reviews are performed by auditing what is on affectation in the adept annex of the repo’s fabricated available. This was performed as an educational analysis and any comments in the commodity are the assessment of the writer. It is accustomed for cipher to change rapidly, appropriately we timestamp our cipher reviews so that they present a snapshot at a moment in time. Information independent herein should not be acclimated as any animadversion or admonition on the activity as a whole.

Blockcloud Code Review Timestamp: June 8th, 2024 at 11:23 GMT