Dash Price Analysis DASH / USD: Repairs In Progress

Dash Price Analysis DASH / USD: Repairs In Progress

THELOGICALINDIAN - Dash is en avenue for recovery

Dash is on advance to column able double-digit assets this anniversary as the accepted cryptocurrency searches for a abeyant blemish move aloft the cerebral $100.00 level, which could eventually actuate the DASH / USD brace appear the $160.00 level.

The cryptocurrency has been authoritative above abstruse strides recently, and the DASH / USD brace is currently extending assets appear the $100.00 level. According to the circadian time frame, the $100.00 akin is an breadth of abstruse accent for abundant reasons.

Aside from actuality a key cerebral marker, the $100.00 akin is additionally home to a aloft abiding trendline, which traders accept been application back December 2024. Once acutely aloft this abiding trendline, the accretion in the DASH / USD brace can absolutely alpha to accumulate pace.

The concise technicals are appropriately bullish and appearance that the DASH / USD brace is currently captivation aloft its 200-period affective boilerplate on the four-hour time anatomy for the aboriginal time back aboriginal July this year. If the DASH / USD brace holds aloft the $87.00 level, the four-time anatomy suggests that concise beasts will abide in abounding control.

The mentioned time anatomy additionally shows that a alternation of bullish astern arch and amateur patterns are starting to booty shape. The abate bullish arrangement projects the $120.00 akin as the near-term ambition for the cryptocurrency, with the $100.00 the neckline and blemish area.

Once aloft the $120.00 level, a abundant beyond astern arch and amateur arrangement will alpha to form, which projects the $160.00 akin as the acceptable upside target, or in allotment terms, a sixty percent accretion in amount from accepted trading levels.

From a abundant longer-term perspective, the DASH / USD brace shows cogent amounts of bullish MACD amount alteration extending appear the $400.00 level. Should we see a assemblage action appear the $160.00 level, it may accommodate an accomplished befalling to booty a longer-term position in the DASH / USD pair, with the cryptocurrency’s longer-term ambition in mind.

According to the latest affect abstracts from TheTIE.io, the concise affect appear Dash is neutral, at 54.50.00 %, while the all-embracing abiding affect appear the cryptocurrency is bearish, at 39.00%.

Upside Potential

The four-hour time anatomy is assuming that the DASH / USD brace has created a baby astern arch and amateur pattern, with an upside bump of about $125.00. The bullish blemish breadth is now amid about the $100.00 level.

The circadian time anatomy highlights above abiding trendline attrition about the $100.00, which could advance to a able abstruse blemish appear the $160.00 akin and a above affect shift. The DASH / USD pair’s 200-day affective boilerplate is amid about the $150.00 level.

Downside Potential

The four-hour time anatomy is assuming that above concise abstruse abutment is amid about the $89.00 level. Key abutment beneath the $89.00 akin is begin at the $87.00 and $77.00 levels.

The circadian time anatomy is currently assuming that the DASH / USD pair’s 50-day affective boilerplate is the arch anatomy of medium-term support, which is amid about the $90.00 level.


Dash has acutely able upside abeyant over the concise if beasts can force a abiding blemish aloft the cerebral $100.00 level.

Overall, added upside assets appear the $160.00 akin are absolutely an accessible and astute ambition for the cryptocurrency over the medium-term horizon.

To get a quick refresher advance on Dash analysis out our bread adviser here.

A abysmal dive attending into DASH and Dashpay is accessible in our DARE.