GXChain Price Analysis GXC / USD: Short-Lived Buyback Boom

GXChain Price Analysis GXC / USD: Short-Lived Buyback Boom

THELOGICALINDIAN - GXChain is surging afterwards a acknowledgment announcement

Fundamental Analysis

GXChain has surged afterwards the activity announced a additional annular of buy-backs for the bulk of 500,000 USDT. The team’s acumen abaft the buy-backs is that the activity “has been undervalued by the market”.

Although it is adamantine to adumbrate the amount movement afterwards the end of the buy-back program, the GXChain has been ranked in the top-10 blockchain platforms according to CCID’s latest crypto rankings. CCID is a Chinese government-sponsored basis which ranks blockchains on three criteria: technology, appliance and innovation.

GXChain / USD Short-term amount analysis

GXChain has a bullish concise outlook, with the cryptocurrency advancing to a new best trading high.

The four-hour time anatomy shows that the GXC / USD brace has been acerbic the attendance of any bearish patterns, with the contempo beforehand now extensive its bullish objective.

Technical indicators on the four-hour are bullish, although they are starting to arise overstretched to the upside.

Pattern Watch

Traders should agenda that a able abstruse alteration may action on the four-hour time anatomy now that GXC / USD brace has accomplished its bullish target.

Relative Strength Index

The RSI indicator is still bullish on the four-hour time frame, although it is starting to arise overstretched.

MACD Indicator

The MACD indicator is bullish on the four-hour time anatomy and continues to accomplish a buy signal.

GXChain / USD Medium-term amount analysis

GXChain has a bullish medium-term outlook, with the GXC / USD assuming a above abstruse blemish on the circadian time frame.

The circadian time anatomy is assuming that a accepted bullish blemish has occurred from an ascendance triangle pattern, with the GXC / USD brace already extensive its upside objective.

Technical indicators on the circadian anatomy are bullish and are now trading in acutely overbought conditions.

Pattern Watch

Traders should agenda that ascendance triangle patterns are advised bullish and about accept a college allotment of success during uptrends.

Relative Strength Index

The RSI indicator has angry bullish on the circadian time anatomy and is additionally trading in acutely overbought territory.

MACD Indicator

The MACD indicator is bullish on the circadian time anatomy and is currently trading in acute overbought territory.


GXChain has performed a above bullish abstruse blemish on both time horizons, with GXC / USD beasts assuredly igniting the bullish arrangement on the circadian time frame.

Overbought abstruse readings are currently admonishing that the cryptocurrency could alpha to actual lower now that it has accomplished its bullish objective.

Check out our coin guide for a quick addition to GXChain.