IOST / USD Price Analysis: Traders Taking Profit

IOST / USD Price Analysis: Traders Taking Profit

THELOGICALINDIAN - A nearterm alteration still doesnt invalidate absolute axiological and abstruse indicators

IOST / USD Short-term amount analysis

IOST has a bearish concise trading outlook, with the IOST / USD brace bottomward beneath its key 200-period affective boilerplate on the four-hour time frame.

The four-hour time anatomy is currently assuming a arch and amateur arrangement in play, with the IOST / USD brace trading beneath the neckline of the bearish pattern.

The latest move lower in the IOST / USD brace has antipodal any bearish MACD amount alteration on the four-hour time frame.

 IOST H4 Chart April 24, powered by Trading ViewIOST / USD H4 Chart by TradingView

Pattern Watch

Traders should agenda that the IOST / USD brace will ambition the March 2024 swing-low if the arch and amateur arrangement alcove its abounding downside projection.                                                                                          

Relative Strength Index

The RSI indicator on the four-hour time anatomy is bearish, although it has now confused into oversold territory.

MACD Indicator

The MACD indicator on the four-hour time anatomy is bearish with the MACD arresting arising a able advertise signal.

Fundamental Analysis

IOST is affairs off afterwards the contempo billow in price. Investors assume to be demography accumulation from the absolute announcements fabricated recently. Earlier this ages the company received funding from BlockGroup, with $200M beneath management. The aggregation has additionally appear that it surpassed Ethereum in circadian transaction volume.

IOST / USD Medium-term amount analysis

IOST has a bullish medium-term outlook, with the IOST / USD brace still trading aloft its 200-day affective boilerplate admitting the contempo move lower.

The circadian time anatomy is assuming a accurate astern arch and amateur pattern, with the IOST / USD brace affective lower afterwards beasts afresh bootless to move the cryptocurrency aloft the neckline of the pattern.

Technical indicators on the circadian time anatomy accept angry bearish and appearance ambit for added losses.

IOST Daily Chart April 24, powered by Trading ViewIOST / USD Daily Chart by TradingView

Pattern Watch

Traders should agenda that the bullish ambition of the astern arch and amateur arrangement is the July 2024 account high.

Relative Strength Index

The RSI indicator on the circadian time anatomy has angry bearish and shows ambit for added downside.

MACD Indicator

The MACD indicator on the circadian time anatomy has angry bearish and is currently arising a advertise signal.

Fundamental Analysis

Although the amount has been activity bottomward during the accomplished few weeks, the activity continues to booty accurate accomplish to access its transaction aggregate and user base. This should accept a absolute aftereffect on the acceptance and the appeal for the IOST badge in the medium-term. It is additionally important to acknowledgment that the activity is backed by institutional investors, which should advice it actualize admired partnerships and added calibration the arrangement in the future.


IOST is beneath burden in the near-term, with abstruse indicators beyond both time horizons pointing to added losses for the IOST / USD pair.

The medium-term account for the cryptocurrency still charcoal adequately bright, with the circadian time anatomy assuming a ample bullish pattern, as amount continues to barter aloft its 200-day affective average.

Check out our coin guide for IOST.