Litecoin Price Analysis LTC / USD: Gathering Forces

Litecoin Price Analysis LTC / USD: Gathering Forces

THELOGICALINDIAN - LTC is branch for a above bullish breakout

Litecoin / USD Short-term amount analysis

Litecoin has a bearish concise bias, with the LTC / USD brace already afresh acerb alone from its 200-period affective boilerplate on the four-hour time frame.

The four-hour time anatomy is assuming that the LTC / USD brace charcoal trapped aural a triangle pattern, as the fifth-largest cryptocurrency by bazaar assets struggles to acquisition direction.

Key abstruse attrition on the four-hour time anatomy is amid at the $117.00, $127.00 and $140.00 levels.

Technical indicators on the four-hour time anatomy abide bullish, although downside burden is starting to build.

Pattern Watch

Traders should agenda that the $77.00 akin may appear into focus if a bearish blemish from the triangle arrangement occurs.

Relative Strength Index

The Relative Strength Index on the four-hour time anatomy charcoal technically bullish, although downside burden is building.

MACD Indicator

The MACD indicator is bullish on the four-hour time anatomy and is currently arising a anemic buy signal.

Litecoin / USD Medium-term amount analysis

Litecoin has a bullish medium-term trading bias, with the cryptocurrency still captivation amount aloft its key 200-day affective average.

The circadian time anatomy shows that the LTC / USD brace is already afresh trading beneath the neckline of a bearish arch and amateur pattern, afterward a apocryphal upside breakout.

Key abstruse abutment on the circadian time anatomy for the LTC / USD brace charcoal at the $66.00 and $60.00 levels.

Technical indicators on the circadian time anatomy currently accept a slight bullish bias.


Pattern Watch

An astern arch and amateur arrangement could alpha to anatomy if LTC / USD beasts abate the bearish arrangement currently in comedy beyond the circadian time frame.

Relative Strength Index

The Relative Strength Index is ascent on the circadian time frame, although it has yet to breach aloft neutral.

MACD Indicator

The MACD indicator is bullish on the circadian time frame, with both the MACD indicator and arresting band rising.


Litecoin is on clue for a above abstruse blemish according to the absorption triangle arrangement beyond the four-hour time horizons.

If beasts can force an upside breakout, the LTC / USD brace could billow appear the $140.00 akin and anatomy a ample bullish arrangement on the circadian time frame.

Check out our bread adviser for an addition to Litecoin.

We additionally wrote a DARE for the project, allegory the approaching affairs of the Bitcoin competitor.