This MetaHash cipher analysis wouldn’t be complete after acquainted that marketers can do and say what they want, but I still don’t apperceive what Blockchain 4.0 is or back it replaced Blockchain 3.0.
I assumption incremental assets in TPS is it. Anyway, actuality we are, “the fastest and best defended blockchain” which (if “pick two from speed, security, and scalability” is correct) agency that it can’t scale.
But allegedly it can, and all the while be added decentralized than the competition. Lots of big claims.
Also, I abhorrence a website that starts like this. Call to activity is affairs the tokens. That is not a acceptable focus. Still, they’ve afflicted it now, let’s move on. I will agenda that the aggregation was cool affable and accessible though.
[UPDATE, 10/21/2025: The #MetaHash aggregation has beatific a absolute acknowledgment to this review, which can be apparent at the basal of this page.]
“validation amount beneath 3 seconds. Performance is over 50,000 TPS”
“protected by 5 altered accord algorithms”
“anyone can add transaction nodes”
That aftermost account is interesting, not nodes, but transaction nodes.
“information in Blockchain with 4k crypto aegis and multi-signature”
But wait, there’s more, for this bound time alone you can get “up to 3 abnormal to accept
“all agenda assets in the wallet use the ERC20 badge in all barter services”, what am I reading?
“here is what you appetite to apperceive about
“What is our bazaar cap?”
Ok, so this is “clearly” a actual “tech” focused team… Also, I debris to do the # garbage.
They are bifurcation Ethereum and Bitcoin. How do you angle two chains? You can angle one, and again accord balances of the other, that’s not bifurcation though. Although I accept a lot to say about this bifurcation website.
What is forging? Literally, I go to the FAQ that is accept to explain forging, and instead it explains to me how abundant MHC I’m activity to acquire by accepting approximate numbers of MHC. Is this aloof a crypto bread-and-butter project?
From what I can understand, application MetaGate (the wallet?) and accepting tokens, accord you added tokens. So accepted concoction models. This is the classic, buy tokens so you can acquire added tokens archetypal (but absolutely avoid that bodies are auctioning the badge and your all-embracing amount is absolutely decreasing).
Far too abundant focus on the badge here.
Another accomplished folio on marketcap.
Another accomplished folio on ICO economics.
Oh, finally, Multi-PoS
“a new accord blazon alleged multi-PoS”
“decentralized AI builds the optimum arrangement synchronization map based on analysis and absolute arrangement operations” …
So, BFT with a account ability blueprint on top. Cool. So Tendermint.
This is an basement project, not a blockchain project. “Decentralized”
Ok, whatever, let’s see if the cipher is good.
Repo spam. The action to try and accomplish it attending absolutely active with some about called repo’s that complete vaguely crypto.
Let’s start
I’m shocked, are you shocked? I’m shocked. It’s empty. I was not assured that.
Ignoring the php allotment for a second, there is absolutely article here, let’s accept a look.
Import crypto, actualize abode out of ECDSA15, accelerate transaction via CURL as JSON RPC.
Generating icons for addresses. I absolutely anticipation this was affectionate of cool, but no worries, it was aloof affected from Blockies
(Without acclaim of course)
Another php library, so we can absolutely apprehend cipher again.
Grabs server stats and draws arrangement topology. Very basal code.
Was accepting bored, so had a quick attending at the badge contract
if msg.sender == ownerContract, addrSender = ownerContract, abroad addrSender = msg.sender
So…. msg.sender = msg.sender? But with an added 6 steps?
So, the buyer can change the abode of the arrangement owner, but it doesn’t amend the buyer and instead changes addition capricious so that the aboriginal buyer is the alone one that can anytime amend the change in owners…
Infinite minting for the owner, because, why not?
Let’s get aback to the absolute code.
Ok, so the accessible cipher is absolutely aloof for appearance at this point. But my analysis has been absolutely mean, so instead, let’s accord the clandestine cipher a chance.
I don’t absolutely apperceive what I’m attractive at, let’s jump into main.
Definitely bigger than the accessible repo at least.
Standard priv/pub key stuff. Let’s move on.
No absolute new cipher here, mostly from added libraries. All accustomed allegation though. So acceptable on them.
Not a lot activity on in core, but let’s see blockchain and affairs at least.
Interesting. Using time, commonly a no no in decentralized world. block is aloof a book that gets accounting out. Updating balances is a bit loose. Not seeing any checks and balances.
Lot of cipher here, but it’s not actual good. Well, the cipher is good, able-bodied written, but it doesn’t feel like the writers apperceive too abundant about blockchain.
Think my antecedent statements ability accept been a bit premature. meta-node-torrent looks like the absolute meat. I anticipate the blow are aloof tests and tools. Let’s dive into this guy.
Yeah, this assuredly looks like the absolute stuff. Let’s see
Looking abundant better. Still a acceptable blockchain though.
Trying to accept how the blueprint and the alternation comedy with anniversary other. Right now I don’t see the correlation.
The blueprint is acclimated for the p2p ability blueprint I mentioned earlier. Not the blocks.
MetaHash Code Review Conclusion:
Started rough, but we concluded with some fair code. No abstruse booze here, and annihilation absolutely wow. But fair code. C isn’t accessible to do well, but the writers accept a acceptable butt of the language. Not seeing any of the massive claims they are authoritative actuality accurate by the cipher though.
I absolutely don’t like all the advertising focus, makes them feel actual scammy, and the promises are not validated. But there is semi acceptable cipher acknowledging this. Is it what is actuality promised on the website though? No, absolutely not. Does it at atomic accept some code? Yes, yes it does.
You can babble about MetaHash in our Telegram group.
Disclaimer: Crypto Briefing code reviews are performed by auditing what is on affectation in the adept annex of the repo’s fabricated available. This was performed as an educational analysis and any comments in the commodity are the assessment of the writer. It is accustomed for cipher to change rapidly, appropriately we timestamp our cipher reviews so that they present a snapshot at a moment in time. Information independent herein should not be acclimated as any animadversion or admonition on the activity as a whole.
MetaHash Code Review Timestamp: September 9, 2025
Update: acknowledgment from the MetaHash team, republished in abounding after commentary.
Quote from review: “Generating icons for addresses. I absolutely anticipation this was affectionate of cool, but no worries, it was aloof affected from Blockies (Without acclaim of course)”
This account is not true. Wallets icons are created with the advice of neural networks. All the libraries acclimated for their bearing are credited. The aberration amid Blockies and planets in #MetaHash can be calmly accepted aloof at a glance: