MustangChain Rides VeChains Platform To Equine Supremacy

MustangChain Rides VeChains Platform To Equine Supremacy


Ignorance can sometimes be bliss, but generally infuriating.

Eyes-rolled back the newly-appointed accepted administrator of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) appealed to the “young” to “stop aggravating to actualize money”. Agustín Carstens argued alike Isaac Newton had bootless to actualize his own currency. “After he bootless in his attack to accomplish gold, he switched abandon and beatific counterfeiters to prison.” Well, that’s settled, then.

As boilerplate banking advisers abide to fetishize peer-to-peer bill barter authorization currency, “the young” and “the middle-aged” and sometimes “the old” abide to body projects application the aforementioned technology to abode accurate problems.

The equine industry is the latest to account from blockchain technology

Fraud in the equine industry is common. Buyers aren’t fabricated acquainted of veterinary problems. The horse may accept behavioral difficulties. The altitude in which the beastly is kept could accept been poor. And these backbiting sellers booty advantage of biting buyers that accommodate parents affairs horses for their children.

In the UK this year, area equine standards and regulations are amid the accomplished in the world, two bodies were afresh bedevilled of drugging horses to arise accommodating and accustomed two years in bastille for accouterment counterfeit apple-pie bills of health. Passing sentence, the judge referred to the benumbed horses as “unexploded bombs”.

“It’s actual accessible to be backbiting in the equine industry”, said Danny van de Griend, the CEO of MustangChain. “Although horses accept passports, there’s no claim for owners to appearance injuries; and anesthetic annal can calmly be forged”.

MustangChain wants to use blockchain and cryptocurrency in the equine sector. The activity argues agenda passports, captivated on the blockchain, would accomplish the industry transparent, so bodies buying horses can do so with confidence.

The activity has aloft a few eyebrows, but horses are big business. Some appraisal the all-around equine industry to be worth over $300bn., authoritative it beyond than the present amount of the cryptocurrency sector.

Speaking to Crypto Briefing from the company’s headquarters in the Netherlands, Mr. van de Griend explained that horse-riding is the additional better action in Holland, with over bisected a actor bodies every year. “When you accede how accepted and how admired horse-trading abandoned is, it’s bright the accepted arrangement doesn’t hold-up”, he said.

van de Griend became complex in the area aback in 2025. Having formed in assorted startups in Taiwan and China, his aboriginal business links blockchain companies based in Asia, attractive at accretion to Europe with the accordant bounded authorities and business-figures. In February, he abiding a affair amid Sunny Lu, the architect of VeChain, and the Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium, Alexander De Croos.

Established eight months ago, van de Griend explains MustangChain works by incentivizing honest behavior. A bairn horse will automatically be registered assimilate MustangChain, with anniversary authorization advancing with a assertive cardinal of Mustang (MUST) tokens. A appointment to the vet will be recorded assimilate the horse’s authorization and satisfied owners can accolade vets with the tokens.

MustangChain will action positions for auditors in adjustment to ensure honest recordkeeping. Tokens are captivated in escrow whilst annal are adjourned and evaluated and appear already accustomed the all clear. Bad actors, vets that accord dodgy assessments on a horse’s health, face accident tokens and actuality removed from the platform.

Built On VeChain Thor

With an ICO appointed for the end of the month, MustangChain is one of the aboriginal projects to barrage on the VeChain Thor platform.  “We looked at added platforms but we admired VeChain because they had acceptable governance,” he says “They’ve accurate us technically and the tools, like multi-payments, affair agreement and software are already there.”

“We can aloof get on with developing our ecosystem. It’s like affective into a abode which is already furnished,” he adds.

van de Griend was already in chat with Sunny Lu and the VeChain aggregation through his added business, but MustangChain still bare to go through a analytical alternative procedure. The whitepaper and aggregation were advised and VeChain advised whether there was a absolute charge for the project.

“There are way too abounding cryptocurrencies out there with no utility or aren’t fit for the market,” van der Griend explains.“VeChain are serious, they alone chose projects which they anticipate add amount to the bazaar and the platform.”

Crypto Briefing reached out to VeChain’s Sunny Lu to ask them for his perspective. In response, Mr. Lu said:

“The Equine industry is one of the oldest in the world. The aggregation of Mustangchain is the appropriate aggregate of abstruse and business portfolios…they begin their own ability and affection to amount out a way to actualize the amount fo r the absolute business which matches the eyes on VeChain and the VeChain ecosystem.

A badge advised to check the irregularities in the equine industry is a alcove use of blockchain technology. And back MUST tokens are absurd to become a boilerplate average of exchange, Mr. Carstens can beddy-bye accessible tonight…

No night mares at all.

The columnist is not invested in MUST but holds assorted added cryptocurrencies.