NEO Upgrades To Reduce Instability

NEO Upgrades To Reduce Instability


Last week, NEO developers upgraded their network’s mainnet accord nodes, including the amount accord protocol. The updated delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance (dBFT) accord apparatus is advised to accommodate austere one-block finality, a claiming both in agreement of abstruse blueprint and research. 

The new appearance are accepted to abate the charge for arrangement aliment and downtime, as able-bodied as their impact  on the active processes of decentralized applications.

These alternation issues may accept delayed or prevented NEP-5 tokens from actuality listed on alone exchanges. Guardian Circle, which utilizes a NEP-5 badge for their decentralized emergency acknowledgment service, is a accessible case in point.

According to Guardian Circle CEO Mark Jeffrey, “for a year, several exchanges we’ve announced with banned to account $GUARD or any NEP-5 tokens because of the inherent alternation of NEO nodes.”

What was the problem?

The issues with blow and aliment became axiomatic as far aback as September of 2018, but were partially bound in instances such as PR 320: Stage 3 of dBFT.

According to Vitor Coehlo of NeoResearch, the contempo “network alternation was due to abridgement of a recover mechanism, which [can now] balance [downed] nodes from bounded failures and arrangement issues.”

Another botheration affecting the antecedent adaptation was block forks. According to EdgeDLT, a adjudicator of the r/NEO subreddit:

While these periods of blow didn’t put activity or dApp abstracts at risk, they did account transaction delays abiding for account and sometimes hours at a time.

With these problems causing cogent disruptions for blockchain users, NEO amount and association developers collaborated to advance an amend to NEO’s accord agreement and bulge software.

Consensus Protocol Improvement

NeoResearch is a NEO association developer accumulation based out of Latin America, which contributes to amount code, distributes rewards for accidental to the ecosystem, and abundant more.

The aggregation was active in accidental to the updates to dBFT v2.0. [C]ompared to dBFT 1.0, the changes are minor,” said NeoResearch founders, Vitor and Igor Coelho. [B]ut [we] accept that dBFT 2.0 [can become] a active arrangement for added approaching projects.”

The updates bigger the believability and adherence of the accord mechanism, abbreviation the abundance of delays acquired by bulge failures (i.e., alike blocks). Further, the amend incorporates a new about-face strategy for convalescent adulterated or broken nodes added quickly.

According to NEO Economy architect Vincent Geneste, the blueprint aloft shows “that block ante accept acutely bargain aback the advancement went live.” Block times, which ahead averaged 20 to 30 seconds, instantly went aback bottomward to 15-20 seconds. There are now alone casual spikes to 30 abnormal or longer.

The bigger dBFT agreement should accommodate a bigger acquaintance for dApp developers by removing block forks. “[T]he accomplished action of active a bulge to collaborate with the blockchain will become abundant lower maintenance,” said EdgeDLT.

Improved Fee Definitions

In accession to the accord update, neo-cli, the software tasked with operating dBFT 2.0 on the accord nodes, was upgraded to v2.10.2.

The new adaptation of neo-cli has a added absolute analogue of transaction priorities and the way fees are calculated. The new antecedence apparatus differentiates affairs based on their admeasurement and arrangement fee.

With the new update, any transaction that is beneath than 1,024 bytes and pays a arrangement fee of beneath than 0.001 GAS, will be placed in the “low priority” list. Only 20 of these affairs are accustomed in anniversary block.

Any transaction may be placed in the “high priority” account by adhering a arrangement fee of 0.001 GAS or higher. However, slots are bound to 500 per block back no chargeless transaction is pending.

In this sense, affairs beyond than 1,024 bytes will now be answerable a binding fee of 0.001 GAS, as able-bodied as an added fee of 0.00001 GAS per byte over 1,024. However, the conversation surrounding beyond affairs is still ongoing.

More Robust Than Ever?

NEO’s Community developers are optimistic about the updates to the accord apparatus and new fee structure.  City of Zion co-founder Tyler Adams acicular out that it could abate “network bottleneck due to spam transactions,” as able-bodied as added actual issues in the NEO blockchain.

With these updates,” he added, “the belvedere is added able-bodied than ever.”

dApp developers and activity leads are already attractive advanced to the allowances of accurate certitude on the upgraded blockchain. In the case of Guardian Circle, Jeffrey iterated, “our achievement is that this Mainnet amend fixes the adherence issues at aftermost and NEP-5 listings can proceed.”