nOS ICO Preview - Decentralized Operating System

nOS ICO Preview - Decentralized Operating System


nOS ICO Preview

The nOS ICO is a awful advancing NEO-based activity alms a basic operating arrangement and aperture to the decentralized internet. While the account of nOS’ admission has already broadcast broadly throughout the cryptospace, the aggregation accept yet to put absolution a whitepaper that lays out the accurate ambit of the project. To get a afterpiece look, we batten with Founder and Developer Dean van Dugteren who abounding us in on the details.

The nOS ICO Concept

The nOS ICO places the assumption of accuracy at the affection of the operating system. Through their eyes of a decentralized internet, nOS aim to accord aback users abounding ascendancy of the abstracts they allotment online.

To achieve this, websites and apps host their agreeable in an accessible and decentralized way application NEO Smart Contracts, giving users absolute accuracy as to what happens with their data.

As for dApps, end users alone crave NEO GAS to accomplish tasks on the system. nOS will automatically catechumen GAS into the agnate bulk of NEP-5 tokens appropriate for any transaction or acute arrangement invocation.

nOS will additionally acquaint a account badge for users and developers who appetite to accord anon to the platform. nOS tokens let users and developers accretion authority, accord to babyminding and access rewards for contributions to the system. Whereas GAS is the account badge for interacting with dApps, nOS allows for decentralized babyminding to action by giving voting ability to badge holders.

The nOS ICO Leadership

The Founder of the nOS ICO is Dean van Dugteren. Dean is a affiliate of the open-source developer accumulation abaft the NEO Smart Economy alleged City of Zion. His advance dev aggregation with nOS additionally includes two added City of Zion members. Before delving into the apple of blockchain, Dean acquired startup acquaintance through his success with, a account for music artists to access fan ability on amusing media.  

The nOS ICO Progress Signals

The nOS aggregation has fabricated their MVP applicant accessible via GitHub. nOS are actively auspicious developers to body alive PoC applications on nOS or accord to the nOS codebase to defended a atom in the presale. We’re attractive advanced to blockage out what after-effects appear out of this incentivized access to artefact development. If you’re a developer and would like to apprentice added about accidental to nOS, added advice is accessible here.

The advertising akin for the nOS ICO is already high. At present, the buzzer approach stands about 16k associates and the apprehension of addition big-time NEO activity is palpable. With the accessible auction planned for aboriginal Q3, nOS accept managed to draw a ample bulk of absorption this aboriginal in the game.

What’s to Come for the nOS ICO

The signals we’ve aggregate so for our nOS ICO examination announce this could be addition standout NEP-5 badge ICO. What sets nOS afar of advance is the calibration of the project- architecture a decentralized operating arrangement is no baby undertaking.

We’ll be afterward the developer beforehand carefully as we move forward, ensuring there’s abundant actuality to absolve the hype. As for a abounding review, we’re captivation off until the whitepaper absolution and of course, those ever-elusive badge metrics are unveiled. We’ll let you know, and we’ll accord beforehand apprehension to our email subscribers.

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Learn added about the nOS ICO from our Telegram Community by clicking here.

nOS ICO examination information:

Today’s Date: 5/3/18

Project Name: nOS


White Paper: TBA

Additional Information: