Polygon Project SafeDollar Crashes to Zero After Attack

Polygon Project SafeDollar Crashes to Zero After Attack

THELOGICALINDIAN - After Iron Finance addition Polygonbased algebraic stablecoin activity has comatose to zero

Polygon-based stablecoin SafeDollar burst to aught afterwards its clamminess pools were exploited in a aegis incident.

SafeDollar Plunges To Zero

Within a brace of weeks of launch, algebraic stablecoin SafeDollar (SDO) has succumbed to an bread-and-butter advance and its amount has comatose to aught dollars.

SafeDollar launched its Decentralized Barter Offering on its accomplice barter PolyDEX on Jun. 14.  The activity hoped to advance a peg with the U.S. Dollar via techniques like seigniorage, deflation, and the use of constructed assets.

Announcing the advance in the project’s official Telegram group, the aggregation said:

“SafeDollar has been beneath attack. We accept paused activities on SafeDollar and investigating the matter.”

In the incident, attackers exploited a vulnerability to excellent 831 Quadrillion stablecoin units. They again awash off the aggrandized accumulation in the clamminess pools, arch to a complete amount collapse.

According to acute arrangement aegis project, RugDoc, which highlighted the adventure on Twitter, attackers siphoned almost $248,000 in USDC and USDT. The transaction can be beheld on PolygonScan.

The project’s aggregation has said that it was not amenable for the attack, and has accepted its affairs to acknowledgment with a post-mortem report.

Meanwhile, the aggregation said it had paused all pools to investigate the incident. It additionally claimed it would atone clamminess providers who absent their funds.

It’s the additional adventure SafeDollar has suffered in as abounding weeks. On Jun. 20, its IDO basement was compromised for $95,000.

The latest adventure follows the well-documented advance on addition algebraic stablecoin project, Iron Finance. Its babyminding badge TITAN burst due to an declared coffer run that acquired the accumulation to become hyperinflated, arch to losses for Mark Cuban and added investors in the project.