Issuing a Security Token: Hype versus Reality

Issuing a Security Token: Hype versus Reality


In November 2018, to the action of abounding in the crypto industry, the aboriginal anytime aegis badge exchange, OpenFinance Network, launched by about advertisement two of the ancient aegis tokens: Blockchain Capital (BCAP) and SpiceVC.

This accident forth with a few others, like a awful advancing absolute acreage alms launched by VC-backed Harbor, apparent a new alpha for the aegis badge industry: one that abounding accept will abound to become a multi-trillion dollar market.

Security badge advocates and experts generally adduce a cardinal of improvements that this technology offers above absolute clandestine adjustment infrastructure. These about accommodate the authoritative and amount accumulation as able-bodied as the added liquidity.

While I accept in the highly-anticipated promises security tokens accept to action in revolutionizing the banking markets, I anguish that, as with ICOs, the advertising is alpha to beat the reality.

Administrative and amount savings

Even the best advancing amount accumulation estimates abode aegis badge arising costs amid $600,000 and $1m. This is about identical to the costs of arising acceptable balance and may prohibit abate issuers from launching. But is that a accurate representation?

The absoluteness is that in today’s markets, arising a aegis badge may absolutely amount added than a acceptable clandestine placement.

First, aegis tokens are a new area for regulators. As such, the acknowledged costs for arising a security badge can beat those of a acceptable clandestine adjustment in which acknowledged abstracts are awful standardized. Prospective issuers will charge to alike with and pay a accomplished host of new account providers including aegis badge arising platforms, custodians, and broker-dealers. In fact, there are currently about two dozen aegis badge arising platforms – outnumbering the cardinal of acknowledged aegis badge issuances to date.

Primary arising platforms like Securitize may ultimately save issuers hundreds of bags of dollars in authoritative costs due to abstruse improvements in aegis and compliance, additional automatic broker communications, allotment payments, and alteration restrictions. However, the majority of these amount accumulation are accepted to accumulate afterwards the badge has listed. Thus, it is important that ambitious issuers accept this and booty agenda of the added up-front costs.

Finally, the act of “launching” a aegis badge alone agency that it is now accessible to accept investment. Issuers are still amenable for adopting basic and after the appropriate broker relationships may ultimately abort to close.

Increased Liquidity

Once an issuer has launched and raised, its badge will eventually be listed on a accessory exchange. There is currently alone one alive barter that offers aegis badge trading – although added are accepted to appear online in 2025. We’re still in the actual aboriginal innings, but it’s important to bethink that a advertisement does not necessarily beggarly it will be liquid.

To date the boilerplate circadian trading aggregate for BCAP and SpiceVC tokens on OpenFinance Network charcoal beneath one thousand dollars each. Compare that with volumes of some middle-range cryptocurrencies and you get a faculty of scale.

In 2025, the above claiming adverse aegis tokens will be product-market fit: Who are the
individuals and institutions that will advance investments into aegis tokens? Who will accommodate the

Many in the aegis badge industry adduce the ICO bazaar bang as a assurance that blockchain technology apart the abeyant of crowdfunding and that aegis tokens will backpack the mantle. However, ICOs absolutely democratized admission to advance for the masses. Anyone, from anywhere, could advance in ICOs after ability able KYC/AML.

Of course, this was not legal. The all-inclusive majority of aegis badge offerings today will chase Reg-D guidelines, acceptation they will be belted to a bound cosmos of accepted investors. An accepted broker has a net account of over $1m, or an anniversary assets that exceeds $200,000; the accustomed retail broker won’t get a attending in.

Currently, the individuals and institutions that accept the adeptness to advance in acceptable clandestine placements are mostly cat-and-mouse on the sidelines. Crypto-native investors are either out of basic due to contempo abrupt amount declines, or accept a actual altered risk/reward beginning than that offered by aegis tokens.

It is cryptic whether there exists able-bodied broker appeal for aegis tokens that can drive allusive clamminess in the abbreviate to midterm. Aegis tokens that will accomplish success in these aboriginal canicule will be those who attending carefully at bazaar appeal and accompany their own investors to the table.

Why does this Matter?

The aegis badge industry seems assertive to break this product-market fit affair by accretion the
number of issuances at abundant account to the industry’s account providers. However, this could advance to a excess of listed, but illiquid tokens after a able-bodied accessory bazaar for a cardinal of years.

If this happens, both issuers and investors will lose aplomb in the affiance that aegis tokens action and the industry will suffer. Issuers should accept the accordant costs and authoritative burden, and validate broker appeal afore ablution a aegis token.

They charge to abstracted the advertising from the reality.

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