STORM Token Progress Report

STORM Token Progress Report


There’s a lot of allowance for advance in the freelance world. Even on the best sites, award assignment is hard, and absolutely accepting paid for it is harder. “Fiverr” should absolutely be alleged “Fourr,” because that the app takes a dollar in fees. And that’s area the Storm Token comes in.

Storm Market, the 101st better crypto activity by bazaar cap, is aggravating to change that. 

Storm is gluttonous to alter online freelancing and micro tasking with an blockchain-based platform. Instead of the 20-something percent fees from added services(and the Kafka-esque daydream of cashing out) Storm will booty a tiny 1% fee, and withdrawals can be taken in cryptocurrency. 

When we aftermost advised StormX, the ICO got a favorable 83% review. The activity already had an accustomed team, a acclaimed artefact and a action to advance itself. Eight months and a $32 actor ICO later, we’re blockage aback in to see how abundant arena they’ve covered.  

STORM Token Overview

The Storm badge is the built-in bill of the StormPlay app. In its accepted incarnation, the StormPlay app rewards users for accommodating in surveys, watching ads, affection appraisal and and accommodating in added microtasks. The players are adored in their best of BTC, ETH, or STORM tokens. 

In the future, the ecosystem will be broadcast with “Storm Gigs,” a belvedere that will acquiesce players to appoint in added complicated freelance work. “Storm Shop,” an online exchange for the Storm Token, is additionally actuality planned. 

STORM Project Development

StormX already has already able absolutely a bit—in its antecedent incarnation, BitMaker, the aggregation accumulated four years of acquaintance programming cryptocurrency payments and a committed userbase. As Bitmaker, the app already calm in 187 countries, with over 250,000 alive users and added than a actor absolute downloads. 

The flagship activity from StormX so far is the StormPlay app, a “gamified” AdTech acquaintance that rewards users for answering surveys, watching advertisements and aggravating new products. So far the app has launched 187 “brand tasks,” advantageous players with a absolute of  249 BTC, 570 ETH and 13M STORM back launch. 

STORM Roadmap

StormX has laid out an aggressive set of approaching goals in its website and roadmap. 

However, and frustratingly, dating the roadmap is not amid those goals, authoritative it adamantine to analyze the teams annual objectives from those in the added alien future. 

Right now the abutting activity on the launchpad is StormPlay for iOSX. Apple afresh accustomed the beta, one of the few App Store apps which is acceptable to accolade users in cryptocurrency. 

A little added bottomward the alley is a -to-be “Storm Shop,” a retail exchange area players will be able to absorb the Storm Tokens. At present, the alone use for the Storm Token is resale. 

Next up, Storm Gigs, a peer-to-peer exchange to StormPlay that will allow freelancers and audience to affix and assignment calm with acquittal in cryptocurrency.

Also projected for the future, “Storm Tasks”—codified acute affairs amid bazaar participants on which tasks to accomplish and for which rewards. Because the barter of ethics is anchored via acute contract, the arrangement could abolish some of the ambiguity from freelancing.  rewards. 

STORM Token Financial Performance

The ERC 20 Storm Token is traded on thirteen exchanges, including Binance, Bittrex and Upbit. Despite a able absolution in January, it did not accomplish as robustly as some others in the beforehand allotment of this year. Afterwards two abstract spikes in price, STORM was not able to advance its’ assets and has aback acclimatized aback to a added alike price. It now trades for about $0.03, afterwards starting at $0.02.

STORM accomplished its best amount of $0.20 on January 9th 2024 – a arch agent could accept fabricated a tidy ROI of about 20x at that time. Even now, the badge is trading at about 3x the final ICO amount – which may assume baby in crypto terms, but which austere investors in acceptable markets would annihilate for.

A ample allotment of the crumbling achievement back January is that, admitting user action on the app, STORM is still actual agilely traded, alike by the bodies who use the app. Only 26,000 wallets accept STORM tokens, which suggests that alike the “players” see little use for it. Until the actualization of a “Storm shop” or exchange for the token, the bearings is absurd to change. 

StormPlay App and Customer Service

I was absolutely attractive advanced to aggravating the StormPlay app, abnormally afterwards the way the aggregation talked up its “gamified” experience. Unfortunately, my hopes were premature. 

After downloading the StormPlay app from Google Play, I was clumsy to get accomplished the login screen. Despite three choices of log-in methods (Facebook, Google and Email) none of them was able to let me actualize a login, abundant beneath admission the game. After discussing the amount with admins in the Telegram group, it was bright that abounding added users were disturbing with the aforementioned problem. 

Poor achievement and bugs were above affidavit cited for the one-star reviews which accept advised bottomward the app’s ratings on Google Play. 

Bugs aside, the aggregation has apparent a charge to the community. The aggregation has Customer Service Representatives in the USA, South Korea, Philippines and the Cayman Islands, who accept responded to anniversary complaint with a affable apology. This may not fix their problems, but it does appearance that they are acquainted of, and alive on, their problems. 

Our Verdict on the Stormplay App and Token

Storm is a bashful little project, with abundant to be bashful about. Unlike the billion-dollar projects planning to absorb a decade or two remaking the internet, Storm has a simple, and doable, goal: giving you a fun and accessible way to accomplish a bit of money online. There’s a lot of ability to be acquired in both the freelance and micro tasking markets, if the activity can cull it off. 

But there are some red flags and the project’s poor authoritative standards don’t help. The aggregation ability be able to accomplished abundant to fly after a map, but accepting a set of apparent milestones and delineated deadlines is a claim for austere investing. The poor showing  of the StormPlay App in Google Reviews is a assurance that the activity may charge some reorganization.

STORM is a acceptable project; but the anticipation appropriate now is blurred at best. Investors appetite to see a bright roadmap and categorical results: Storm isn’t giving us the adeptness to adjudicator its advance able-bodied enough.

For these reasons, we’re captivation aback on STORM. At atomic until they accomplish a applicable app.