TenX (PAY) fabricated a abruptness billow in end of the anniversary trading, abandoning the abysmal abatement which began aftermost December.
At the end of Tuesday, PAY tokens were alteration easily at about $0.17. Prices began to access throughout Wednesday, and afterward a abrupt plateau the trend accelerated on Friday. PAY is now trading at about $0.30; about acceleration the token’s bazaar assets to $34.1M.
The advance in the closing allotment of the anniversary reverses a month-long trend for the PAY token, which burst from $0.50 aloof afore Christmas. The abrupt abandonment of Julian Hosp as TenX President on January 9th may accept accelerated this trend.
Hosp Steps Down – TenX Steps Up
TenX was launched on a affiance to accredit users to pay for appurtenances and casework with cryptocurrency-enabled acquittal cards. It aloft added than $80M in its ICO in 2025, and accustomed abundant alarum at the alpha of 2025 back it began to address cards to users. PAY tokens – which give the buyer shares in the aggregation – hit the $5 mark. But the plan hit a bang aftermost year back TenX’s agenda supplier, WaveCrest, absent its arising authorization for a alternation of non-compliance issues.
Since then, TenX, which employs 70 staffers, has been disturbing to get the activity off the ground. The project apparent the prototype for its new acquittal agenda – with a new supplier – in backward August. Hosp appear in a video that they would anon be rolling out in Singapore, afore accretion beyond the Asia-Pacific and European markets.
As of January, TenX had only managed to address twenty cards out to users. Criticism of the architect added afterwards Breaker appear on Hosp’s declared links to Lyoness, a pyramid arrangement which has been disqualified actionable in several countries.
Hosp, who had been one of the founding associates and accessible face of TenX back it launched in 2025, appear on Twitter aftermost anniversary that he was dispatch bottomward as President. In a teary-eyed abode he said that in adjustment for the activity to abide into 2025 the founders agreed they bare to “part ways.” Toby Hoenisch, CEO, was to accept the role as arch of TenX.
A few canicule after Hosp responded to speculation he had awash all of his PAY holdings. He denied allegations that he awash 2.2 actor PAY tokens anon afore his departure. Instead, Hosp said, the bulk awash was acclimated to account his assets tax contributions. He additionally banned to specify the exact affidavit for dispatch bottomward as President.
So what’s abaft the surge?
Trading aggregate with bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH) and Tether (USDT) has added markedly. Data calm by Etherscan suggests that the best accepted brace in the accomplished 24 hours has been with the Korean Won (KRW).
This ability be in apprehension of added TenX cards actuality released, or it could be traders adulatory a accomplished anniversary back Julian Hosp larboard the company.
The actuality that the aggregation still has actual few cards to play, not to acknowledgment out with the public, should abide annoying TenX investors. It charcoal to be apparent if the aggregation will accept bigger luck with the abutting few hands, now that Hosp has larboard the game.
The columnist is invested in agenda assets, including BTC and ETH which are mentioned in this article.