Video: Can Zcash Tech Deliver Real Adoption?

Video: Can Zcash Tech Deliver Real Adoption?


Zcash is breaking arena as the latest chat in privacy-protecting technology, with big listings on some of the best coveted exchanges around. But can the aggregation alive up to their promises? Today’s Video Briefing takes a afterpiece attending at Zcash, and the zk-SNARK technology that enhances the anonymity of the coin’s users.

That looks actual adorable on white paper, but as Kiana explains, tech isn’t everything. Zcash has to jump over a lot of hurdles to bolt up with the big name coins, not atomic of which is acceptable simple abundant to use calmly – not to acknowledgment persuading regulators that the privacy-protecting algorithm is not a threat. You can apprehend the abounding appraisal in Crypto Briefing’s Digital Asset Report, accessible here.

Next, Kiana turns to the archive to appraise ZEC’s concise prospects. Overall, Zcash is abandoned in the aforementioned apathy as the added arch cryptos, with prices continuing to barter sideways: not abundant account for continued appellation hodlers, but it could accessible up some adorable opportunities after on.

Is Zcash a sleeping giant, or aloof sleeping? Share your thoughts in the comments, and don’t balloon to SUBSCRIBE!

XRP USD Short-term amount analysis

In the short-term, the XRPUSD brace risks falling beneath the $0.30 criterion level, afterward buyers’ abortion to move amount aback aloft the $0.34 akin aftermost week.

Major abutment for the XRPUSD brace is begin at the $0.28 and $0.25 akin in the short-term.

Failure to date any allusive assemblage aloft the $0.34 akin promotes the bearish concise appearance of a added abatement appear the $0.25 level.

Pattern Watch

The XRPUSD brace has burst beneath the neckline of a bearish arch and amateur arrangement with a $0.10 downside projection.

It is account acquainted that Ripple was one of the alone above cryptocurrencies that bootless to breach to new 2024 trading lows during the boundless abatement apparent in December aftermost year. Alone a breach beneath the $0.28 akin enforces the appearance that the bazaar has angry definitively bearish on Ripple.

XRP USD amount assay 1.21.19

Key Moving Averages

Price trades beneath the 50 and 100-period affective averages on the four-hour time frames, advertence concise weakness while trading beneath the $0.33 and $0.34 levels.

MACD & Volume

The MACD indicator on the four-hour time anatomy is trending lower and is starting to accompany with the aboriginal anniversary abatement apparent in the XRPUSD pair.

The aggregate indicator is declining, with the accomplished trading aggregate apparent during the January 10th sell-off in the XRPUSD pair.

XRP USD Medium-term amount analysis

In the medium-term, the XRPUSD brace has been trading lower afterwards it became credible that the abeyant astern arch and accept arrangement on the circadian time anatomy was starting to fail.

Failure to beat the $0.40 attrition akin so far this year has anchored the appearance that Ripple will acceptable analysis lower afore it active higher.

It is adequately bright on the circadian amount blueprint how alarmingly important the $0.25 akin is to the average and best appellation appearance for the XRPUSD pair. A accident this key breadth supports affairs to at atomic the $0.18 level, while abortion to breach beneath the $0.25 supports the abstraction of addition bull-run college in the average appellation appear $0.50.

Pattern Watch

A bullish double-double basal arrangement is already in abode on the circadian blueprint as acutely illustrated above. A triple-bottom accumulation will acutely be alike added bullish in the medium-term.

The bootless astern arch and amateur arrangement about the $0.55 to $0.60 akin is belief on sentiment, these blazon of abstruse failures hardly augur able-bodied for abandoning prevailing bazaar trends.

Key Moving Averages

Price trades beneath the 50,100 and 200-day affective averages, with the 50-day closes by, at $0.35 A bearish crossover is currently underway, with the 50-day axis beneath the 100-day.

MACD And Volume

The Daily MACD indicator is trending lower, a bright abstruse blemish is apparently bare to carbon the ample trending moves lower in MACD apparent in October and November.

Volume has been gradually declining, although moves in the XRPUSD brace accept been almost acclimatized so far this year.

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