Weekly Roundup: Cosy Moments, A Tipple Of Ripple, Pulling A Homer

Weekly Roundup: Cosy Moments, A Tipple Of Ripple, Pulling A Homer


Most Americans are acutely under-educated in the assignment of PG Wodehouse, one of the giants of English humor. In one of his few novels set in the United States, the hero inexplicably finds himself bushing in for the editor of a homestyle magazine. Back it’s set in New York, and back the columnist is Wodehouse, the new editor starts acrimonious fights with slumlords and gangs beneath the acclaimed motto:

Cosy Moments Cannot Be Muzzled.

This isn’t Cosy Moments, and we rarely awning ancestors diplomacy (although we doubtable Wodehouse may accept enjoyed some of Homer’s D’oh! moments). We adopt to absorb our anniversary accoutrement the benefits of aegis tokens, the bit-by-bit advance of Quarkchain’s code, and the crypto platforms that are best positioned to win the market.

But we’ve additionally adored a few moments in our Friday agenda for the quarrels and account aural the cryptosphere–even if it agency starting a few fights. Because…

Crypto Briefing Cannot Be Muzzled.

xRapid Live in Three Institutions….Almost

We abhorrence adage “we told you so,” but we did, you know. Hours afterwards Crypto Briefing adumbrated that the columnist bazaar about Swell would be a analytic time to barrage xRapid, the absolute Crypto media, including CNBC, echoed with the account that the XRP clamminess arrangement was now “live for the aboriginal time with three banking firms.”

Other followed along, with CoinDesk advertisement that “3 Companies Are Now Using XRP For Real Payments.”

Except….that’s not exactly what Ripple announced. The appear account alone declared xRapid to be “commercially accessible and affective into production,” which doesn’t absolutely advance alive payments at all three institutions.

“We accept active a assembly arrangement and are currently architecture out our plan,” said the COO of Catalyst Corporate Credit Union, and Mercury FX’s CEO was “excited to cycle bartering payments out within the quarter.” That doesn’t complete alive to us. 

An email barter with Ripple’s columnist agents accepted our suspicions, and a after commodity clarified:

xRapid is affective into production with ally MercuryFX, Cuallix and Catalyst Corporate Federal Credit Union. As of today, Ripple is now sending alive payments application XRP for on-demand clamminess from U.S. to Mexico with Cuallix.

CNBC, it seems, was one for three, forth with best of the Crypto media space. 

This shouldn’t dim the flash from xRapid, the acceptance of which represents a appalling accomplishment that will put XRP to actual, real-life use. But it says absolutely a bit about CNBC and abundant of the crypto media space, who were so acquisitive to broadcast the account that they didn’t bother to absolutely apprehend it.

Venezuela: Maduro Pulls a Tron

The Bolivarian Republic is not accepted for abandon of the press, but they’ve accurate themselves appealing advanced with a Xerox machine. President Maduro afresh appear a reboot of the bootless Petro cryptocurrency, and some developers begin the cipher a bit….familiar.

The new cryptocurrency has some arresting features: an X11 proof-of-work arrangement as able-bodied as InstantSend functionality maintained by a arrangement of incentivized masternodes. 

According to Ethereum Core Developer Joey Zhou: “Venezuela’s new Petro badge is a arrant Dash clone.”

As the best acknowledged agenda bill in the country, with acceptance by over a thousand merchants, it’s no abruptness that the government would actually abduct a folio from the Dash playbook. But we can’t advice wondering: if the “Petro” is created through mining rewards and adept bulge rewards (both Miners and Masternodes, it seems, are beneath government control) again in what faculty is it “backed” by the country’s oil reserves?

ShapeShift CEO Shocked – SHOCKED! – By Investigation by Investigative Journalists

Last anniversary the Wall Street Journal appear an embarrassing hit allotment on ShapeShift, a accepted in-wallet exchange, whose CEO fabricated their job decidedly easier by allied with their analysis over a bristles ages period.

“Over a aeon of bristles months, we were accessible and all-around of their questions,” CEO Erik Voorhees wrote in an affronted rebuttal, “while in adverse they biased their intentions until actual recently.” Voorhees explains at breadth his acumen of inaccuracies of the Journal’s report, some of which could be true. 

It’s not accessible to get all the abstruse capacity right, but that’s beside the point. Whether or not Voorhees thinks he has done annihilation wrong, a crypto boss spending bristles months cerebration aloud to the Wall Street Journal is like Hillary Clinton administration her browser history with Fox News. 

And we’re not the alone ones who do so. Reading amid the curve of the Journal’s address is like an adventure of The Office, where the advisers badly try to stop their bang-up from advance his bottom added bottomward his own throat. Unfortunately, there’s no Toby or Pam Beasley at ShapeShift’s Denver Office, but here’s their Chief Legal Officer:

Ms. McGregor said she wants to abstracted Mr. Voorhees’s angle from the company’s [the WSJ reports]. “Just because it’s the claimed aesthetics of the CEO doesn’t beggarly that’s how the business is activity to be run,” she said. “He’s not pro-money-laundering.”

There’s no adumbration that Mr. Voorhees has a “World’s Best Boss” mug, but hopefully the abutting time Journal reporters call, he’ll anamnesis the hard-earned business commonsense of the Dunder Mifflin cardboard company. “Fool me once, bang one,” says administration authority Michael Scott.“Fool me twice….strike three.”

Words of acumen for those in the crypto amplitude who would accessory themselves with the boilerplate business press, conceivably gluttonous some anatomy of validation for our industry (or their achievements):


They say beggarly things about us, and they’re generally wrong. Hey, WSJ… accept you met Lindsay Lohan?

The columnist is invested in Dash, XRP and added agenda assets.