What Apps Are Growing In The Kin Ecosystem?

What Apps Are Growing In The Kin Ecosystem?


Kin has been in the account a lot lately, whether it’s for fighting for the account of cryptocurrency, or for announcements of the latest app to add Kin integration. The Kin ecosystem keeps on growing, with an accretion library of apps and a adorning array of utilities.

Although supporters affirmation it to be the most-used cryptocurrency, best of us are added accustomed with big names like Ethereum and EOS. In adjustment to bigger brainwash our readers, and myself, I accursed up my acceptable ol’ Oneplus One Smartphone to see how these apps would run on an crumbling device. Suffice it to say, all the apps I approved ran calmly after any apparent software glitches.

Kin Hub And SimpleTransfer

I started with Kin Hub, an app that offers a axial antecedent for award best accepted Kin apps and the adeptness to buy Kin anon with USD. It absolutely has an iOS attending to it, which is a little arrant on an Android device.

To attending at a description of any of the apps on offering, you charge bang the “GET” button, which sends you over to the Google Play Store, out of the app. Fortunately, beat aback allotment you to the Hub smoothly.

In barter for installing and aperture the Kin Hub, I becoming a air-conditioned 10 Kin, which is not a accomplished lot. A distinct Kin badge on today’s bazaar is account about one thousandth of a cent. But hey, it was free, so who’s complaining?

I additionally took a moment to install SimpleTransfer, a accessible app that acts as a wallet for affective Kin aback and alternating amid accommodating apps. The alteration of Kin is actual easy. The app does all the abundant assignment of appointment Kin tokens amid apps automatically, removing the annoying accomplish of artful and pasting addresses and blockage long, complicated strings of characters.

While a cardinal of apps do participate in this complete apportionment of Kin, some of the larger, added accustomed apps accumulate the badge accumulation independent aural their own boundaries. This feels a little limiting, as it takes abroad some of the amount of the tokens that are belted to active aural assertive apps.

Fly Away, Come Fly Away With Me

The adventurous colors of the game, Fly Away, angle out back you aboriginal see the banderole in Kin Hub. Soon afterwards ablution the Hub, I promptly downloaded the app, assured a array of Flappy Bird experience.

If you booty the arresting addiction of Flappy Bird and tune it to a 3D perspective, area it feels amazing to break in the air for added than ten seconds, you appealing abundant accept the Fly Away gaming experience. 

The bold is bright and cheery, with gameplay that can be fun in abbreviate stints, abstention black barriers and acrimonious up bill in sequences that rapidly advance the adversity curve. The fast clip agency amateur aftermost abnormal rather than minutes, abrogation you with that “just one added try” feeling. 

To acquire added coins, acclimated for the acquirement of accidental characters and for the adeptness to abide after restarting, goals are set such as “Grab 10 bill in a distinct run” — not accessible — or “Dodge 15 obstacles” — way too easy. These in-game coins, abstracted from the Kin currency, can be acclimated to buy accidental characters, abundant like a boodle box ability accomplish in assertive games.

Interestingly, these characters can again be awash for Kin at an in-game marketplace. The accomplished priced avatar currently stands at 68,000 Kin, which converts to around… 88 cents. We’re not talking Crypto-Kitty levels of collectible bazaar carelessness here.

The bold includes a leaderboard as well, area winners aural a set time absolute can be adored with 100,000 Kin… account a little added than a dollar.

The bold won’t accomplish you rich, but it’s absolutely fun as a simple aberration and runs smoothly, alike on my earlier analysis device. I can’t allege for any array of progression back I rarely survived added than 20 seconds. The adversity ramps up so bound with altar aerial at you that it gets cutting actual quickly.

Maybe I’m aloof accepting old.


I absitively to about-face to article appreciably slower-paced that would blemish that bank itch, from which abounding crypto enthusiasts suffer. PeerBet is an app that touts the adeptness to bout and actualize bets with accidental opponents or friends.

I started off accordant to some NFL-focused bets with my adulatory Kin, which were provided aloft installing the app.

The aboriginal bet I took was whether Antonio Brown would account a touchdown in the bold amid the Raiders and the Broncos. Knowing Brown had been traded to the Patriots and could not possibly account a TD in Monday night’s game, I took a “No” on the bet at a amount of 10 Kin (too bad I didn’t accept more, back it was a abiding win!).

I additionally agreed to a brace of added bets on which teams would win the evening’s games, application the actual Kin. I’ll admit, alike action this atomic bulk of Kin, account fractions of a penny, added my absorption in the after-effects a little. 

I was attractive advanced to accomplishment the accomplishment from my Antonio Brown bet back I was alerted. All my bets, alike the accepted ones, had been annulled with no explanation. I can accept the Antonio Brown bet actuality scratched, but I don’t accept why the added ones would accept been nixed. I still am not abiding why this happened. 

Trying afresh the abutting day, I accustomed a bet that asked if Lionel Messi would account a ambition in the Argentina against Mexico affable match. After a little Googling, I begin that Messi wasn’t alike slated to comedy in the match. Naturally, I took the bet, voting “No” with all 40 of my refunded Kin from antecedent cancellations, apprehension the motherlode aloft victory.

The abutting morning, attractive advanced to accession my winnings, I opened PeerBet. It turns out this time that the bet was void. 

Next, I approved a brace of bets for the Thursday night Tampa Bay – Carolina game. One was a “No” vote on a bet that Carolina would win by added than 7 credibility and addition was action whether the teams would amalgamate for added than 50 points, to which I additionally voted “No.”

These two bets assuredly worked, and I won both! I fabricated a air-conditioned 20 Kin in accumulation on top of the 20 Kin alternate to me on the bets.

So the app seems accurately put-together, but a little awry in execution. There are additionally some absorbing bets about whether a No-Deal Brexit will appear this year, but I don’t apperceive if there’s abundant point to demography bets back there’s a acceptable adventitious they won’t booty place. Maybe the bootless bets were aloof a case of bad luck. I’m not activity to delay for a No-Deal Brexit to acquisition out.

This is absolutely the blazon of app I would adore playing, but it would be nice if it formed a little added consistently. It’s fun to booty little bets of almost little consequence, and it does add a bit of action to an accident that ability contrarily be advised a banal bout amid a brace teams I don’t alike affliction about.

PeerBet is one of a cardinal of apps that allows for the administration of Kin amid a array of applications, so you can booty the the Kin from apps like Vent or KinFit and action it on PeerBet. This is a abundant affection that would be nice to see in added of the Kin apps.


This brings me to the amusing media app, Vent, which — to be absolutely honest — I aloof don’t get. The app allows users to “share what’s on your apperception and put your animosity out there application affect tags.”

You can column affections like “Forgiving” or “Fearless” with abbreviate comments that others can like with “stars”, “hugs”, “aww”, or “same” — or abutment with donations of Kin. It’s like an emotionally-needy Twitter, area you hug posters for advertence quotes like “When there is no distraction, there is clarity.”

I feel… Enlightened.

It’s not for me, but I’m acclimatized to the awful baneful bound of Crypto Twitter, so maybe I’m aloof too blah for this. In its defense, Vent seems to run calmly and appears to accept an alive community, from what I can tell.

Kin-Integrated Apps

Some of the best apps were already accepted before, and accept now added Kin as an in-app currency. Tapatalk, an accomplished apparatus for abyssal your admired forums, now has the adeptness to tip and accept Kin built-in.

My claimed admired of the absolute Kin ecosystem acquaintance is MadLipz — which additionally existed pre-Kin, but has back congenital the badge for tips and likes.

It harkens aback to the old Jaboody Dubs canicule of yore — “I’m Billy Mays!” — area users can dub in choir over video clips with hilarious, and awful inappropriate, results. The agreeable actuality absolutely isn’t ill-fitted to the little ones.

The app does a acceptable job of seamlessly amalgam Kin as a currency. It would be abundant to see these apps added to the accessible administration arrangement of SimpleTransfer, back the Kin tokens can not be beatific about amid these apps or added wallets, at atomic for the time being.

Hopefully, greater affiliation and alternation amid Kin-compatible apps will abide to develop. I can see it growing into a accurately assorted association of applications, confined a array of interests and needs. For now, it still has a bit of growing up to do.