Why Bitcoin Is Awesome For Drug Dealers

Why Bitcoin Is Awesome For Drug Dealers


Bitcoin biologic dealers are all the rage! Important bodies are acknowledging Bitcoin consistently as a absurd way to body a narcotics-based empire, and so in this article, I’ll appraise the abounding allowances of application digtial currencies to facilitate the smuggling of all-inclusive amounts of drugs.

As able-bodied as discussing the amazing use-cases of blockchain for befitting clue of your heroin, cocaine, or added import/export asset category, I’ll additionally go into how you can auspiciously acquit the receipts so that cipher will anytime apperceive that you’re an all-embracing criminal.

The aboriginal affair to bethink about smuggling drugs, is that it’s usually prohibited. In some countries, biologic smugglers are bound up for continued periods of time after any drugs at all. In added countries, they are arbitrarily executed. This can absolutely be one of the downsides of actuality a bent mastermind, and it brings me to:

Rule #1: Don’t Get Caught.

Getting bent will decidedly appulse your opportunities to accession baby armies in South American countries, buy helicopters from the CIA, and body pools in the appearance of Indian gods. In addition, back you get caught, the badge usually booty all your being and won’t accord it back! Sounds ridiculous, but it’s true! It’s a audible boycott for biologic lords (and biologic ladies).

Bitcoin is accordingly absolute for biologic dealers because it can never, anytime be taken from you, beneath any affairs at all. Ever. It can’t happen. Because it exists in computers, or something.

Rule #2: Always, Always Keep An Eye On Your Drugs.

One of the key things about drugs is that a lot of bodies appetite them, but don’t appetite to pay for them. This is bad, because again these bodies booty your drugs from you anyway! This is alleged THEFT, and the after-effects of annexation are bent by the blazon of thievery.

Bitcoin is backed by a technology alleged “blockchain” which allows the cunning biologic agent to clue their skag or dragon at all credibility of the accumulation chain, attention you from blithe poppers and approach swimmers who ability try and dab your amber rock.

Rule #3: Use Bitcoin For All Payments.

Bitcoin is the adopted bill for murderers, thieves, biologic lords (that’s you!) and added criminals. We apperceive this because that’s what some bodies accumulate saying, and so it charge be true.

Bill Gates, the second-richest being in the world, has said that “Right now cryptocurrencies are acclimated for affairs fentanyl and added drugs so it is a attenuate technology that has acquired deaths in a adequately absolute way.”

That’s absolutely the endorsement, for the active smuggler! Clearly Bitcoin is absolute for drugs, if the architect of Microsoft is afflicted with its amazing allowances for biologic dealers!

Bill Harris, who co-founded PayPal said: “Cryptocurrency is best-suited for one use: bent activity. Because affairs can be bearding – law administration cannot calmly trace who buys and sells – its use is bedeviled by actionable endeavors.”

PayPal, by the way, is NOT acceptable for affairs or affairs drugs, so he’s apparently aloof abscessed about that.

Jamie Dimon abundantly said that Bitcoin is abundant for drugs! “…if you were a biologic dealer, a murderer, being like that, you are bigger off accomplishing it in Bitcoin than US dollars.” 

JPMorganChase acclaim cards are additionally a poor way to about-face aerial quantities of horse, charlie, snort, etc. The fees will annihilate you.

The actuality is, Bitcoin is 100% untraceable by anybody at all!*

And because of this, biologic dealers should use it at all times, for everything.

Most of all, back you use Bitcoin you can additionally acquire rewards that are absolutely EVEN BETTER than the breadth credibility on JPMorganChase’s acclaimed Sapphire Reserve card!

Simply put your bitcoins somewhere, maybe beneath the mattress would work, and hey presto! Bitcoin Cash!

Rule #4: It’s Easy To Get Cash Out, Anytime, Anywhere

Cash is consistently advantageous – alike if it’s artlessly handing out rolled-up $100 bills to “drug fiends” so that they can sample your blow. If you appetite to get your cash, it’s actual easy:

Step 1: Create an annual with an exchange, like Gemini

Step 2: Provide all your advice to them, such as your abounding name, address, amusing aegis number, authorization details, abutting of kin, animal predilections, and area to acquisition the stash.

Step 3: Wait six weeks.

Step 4: Convert your bitcoins to cash, and consign them to a customer coffer that already has your abounding name, address, amusing aegis number, authorization details, abutting of kin, animal predilections, and area to acquisition the stash.

Step 5: Totally get abroad with it!

So to sum up, actuality are some of the key allowances of Bitcoin for biologic dealers.

*Except the IRS, the NSA, apparently Facebook (and accordingly Palantir), added biologic dealers, your mom, and anyone abroad with some basal Chainalysis software.