Zapper vs. Zerion: Comparing the Top DeFi Aggregators for Crypto Investors

Zapper vs. Zerion: Comparing the Top DeFi Aggregators for Crypto Investors

THELOGICALINDIAN - Zapper and Zerion are the easiest means to collaborate with the all-inclusive DeFi ecosystem from a distinct interface

Despite contempo controversies, Internet companies accept fabricated exploring cyberspace a breeze. Instead of interacting with authentic cipher or bulky protocols, companies like Google accomplish it easier for users to connect. 

Dashboards and added UX-enhancing articles comedy this aforementioned role for the apprentice DeFi ecosystem. The two leaders in this acreage are Zapper and Zerion.

Zapper Fi

Zapper is a admired amidst the DeFi community, accurately clamminess providers (LPs). It provides a seamless interface to collaborate with DeFi protocols. Zapper platforms DeFi by bringing assorted protocols to a distinct user-facing product. Anybody can collaborate with Uniswap, Curve, Balancer, and yEarn application Zapper.

After you affix your Web3 wallet, the homepage will amount an overview of your portfolio breach into assorted categories like wallet (holdings), crop agriculture positions, clamminess provision, and borrowings. Zapper has become acclaimed for its dashboard, enabling users to barometer the amount of their portfolios instantly.

Zapper’s admired affection is its “invest” advantage to drop money in the top clamminess pools and yEarn vaults. This action supports top DEXes like Uniswap, Balancer, and Curve.

The belvedere has an exchange tab that connects to Uniswap and Balancer, borer into the two automatic bazaar makers (AMMs) to actualize a simple clamminess aggregator. Users are affirmed the best amount amid the two DEXes. Unlike aggregators like 1inch Exchange, Zapper doesn’t breach the barter amid assorted DEXes.

Finally, Zapper has “explore” and “transactions” pages. The analyze action lets users with funds on asset administration platforms like Set Protocol, yEarn Finance, and Synthetix booty a added attending into their performance. The transaction tabs accumulate the address’ transaction history.

Zapper’s Advantages

For the moment, Zapper’s sole focus is on clamminess accouterment and crop farming. Integrations with added DeFi verticals are accepted soon.

But Zapper is by far the easiest way to collaborate with clamminess pools, automating the breach of basic amid the basin assets. For example:

From the aloft example, it’s bright that Zapper’s automation makes it actual simple to accommodate liquidity. Users no best accept to go through the accountability of converting their tokens to the all-important breach to become an LP. Zapper does it for them.

On the barter front, Zapper isn’t a DEX aggregator, so it doesn’t breach trades amid assorted venues. But it’s still a huge account for abate traders. 

By accumulation Uniswap and Balancer markets – the best aqueous DEXes – Zapper finds the best barter amidst these two and presents it to users. Since the barter isn’t split, transaction fees are the aforementioned as interacting with Uniswap or Balancer directly.

Disadvantages of Using Zapper

The platform’s better benefaction is additionally a affliction – a abridgement of abutment for some of DeFi’s better markets. Three of the top six (Aave, Maker, Compound) DeFi protocols by clamminess are in the business of borrowing and lending. 

Zapper is yet to tap into this market, appropriately attached the activities its user can do.

Zapper is a abundant artefact for DEX LPs. An affiliation with yEarn vaults marks the platform’s attack into tokenized asset management. Set Protocol strategies still aren’t attainable from the platform, however.

In July 2024, Zapper acclaimed that protocols like Aave and Compound would be chip soon. It’s now October, and this is yet to happen.

Founding Members of Zapper

Official co-founders accommodate Seb Audet, Suhail Gangji, and Nodar Janashia. Each of them has a able accomplishments in UX design, crypto development, and banking management, respectively.

Before basic Zapper, Audet helped body DeFi Snap, a dashboard that accustomed users to appearance their DeFi action on one simple interface. 

Gangji and Janashia formed calm to begin DeFi Zap, a agnate artefact that allows users to actualize arranged affairs to collaborate with assorted acute affairs simultaneously. 

After answering a few questions to appraise users’ advance profile, DeFi Zap would advance a few “zaps” that users could use to accurate their crypto sentiment.

Zerion: What Is It and How Does It Work?

Zerion is one of the top DeFi accoutrement that individuals can advantage to abridge their trading experience. Instead of alone visiting Compound, Uniswap, and added crop farms, DeFi investors can alongside collaborate with these protocols through Zerion.

The aboriginal footfall is to affix one’s abode to Zerion on the homepage. Users can affix multiple addresses for a simple, aggregated appearance of their “DeFi net worth.” Once that’s done, an overview of the wallet’s portfolio will appearance up, neatly breach into assorted categories like accumulation and loans.

A portfolio’s top gainers and losers will appearance up on the overview too, enabling investors to clue the achievement of their all-embracing portfolio and alone investments on the homepage. 

EtherScan is the adopted apparatus for best DeFi investors to clue their transactions, but Zerion makes glimpsing into an address’ antecedent accomplishments abundant easier. The history folio shows users an all-embracing and graphical representation of anniversary of their transactions. Instead of visiting EtherScan and aperture a new articulation to appearance anniversary transaction’s details, Zerion pulls up a abundant history on a single, scrollable page.

Zerion’s amount for users, however, isn’t in the dashboard for assets and transactions. Using it as an interface for DeFi helps abstruse a ton of complexity.

On the market page, users can acquirement aloof about any Ethereum-based asset application ETH or stablecoins like USDC, DAI, USDT, or TUSD. Each asset on the bazaar tab has abrupt advice apropos its activity and some simple banking abstracts like amount changes, bazaar cap, and the asset’s best high.

For those gluttonous a bit added adaptability on the badge side, Zerion gives users the advantage of a absolute barter interface to barter any badge for another. Notably, this alone serves boilerplate ERC-20 tokens and ETH. 

Using the bazaar tab reduces the array of tokens one can pay with, but users will anon be able to buy into Set Protocol and Melon’s tokenized asset administration strategies.

Zerion additionally serves clamminess pools and crop farmers. Platforms accommodate Balancer Labs, Curve, yEarn Finance, Bancor, and Uniswap. They will anon add abutment for Mooniswap too.

Finally, Zerion offers admission to lending markets on Compound and borrowing markets on Compound and Maker. To summarize, Zerion integrates the best basic genitalia of DeFi and is currently in the action of adding added amount add features, like mStable’s accumulation arrangement and staking for Nexus Mutual, Curve, Matic, and others.

Advantages of Using Zerion

Tracking the newest articles and improvements in DeFi is a full-time job. Unless one is a committed ability user, it’s absurd to break on top of everything. This is area aggregators like Zerion appear in.

Plan on collateralizing some of your ETH for a USDT accommodation on Compound, again depositing ETH and USDT in a Uniswap basin to acreage UNI? Just use Zerion. 

Instead of visiting assorted interfaces and active a alternation of transactions, investors can do it all from a distinct interface.

Zerion is abacus new appearance that can about-face it into a advantageous artefact alike for DeFi’s ability users. Staking NXM on Nexus Mutual or accessing vested BZRX tokens on bZx are aloof a few new appearance advancing to the platform.

The dashboard is apple-pie and intuitive, authoritative it beneath ambagious to use and clue one’s history with DeFi protocols.

Downside of Zerion

Zapper’s access is to focus on a distinct alcove and absolutely catch bottomward on it. Zerion broadcast its alms beyond assorted verticals but still doesn’t abutment every agreement in those verticals.

On the lending and borrowing side, Zerion has abutment for Compound and Maker, but, already again, omits Aave – the better money bazaar agreement in DeFi.

Zapper has become an basic apparatus for alive LPs acknowledgment to its absolute integrations and artefact development approach. 

Meet the Zerion Team

In 2024, Zerion’s three co-founders formed the aggregation to actualize a simple band-aid to clue and administer ERC-20 tokens. Since then, the eyes acquired into acceptable a one-stop-shop for interacting with DeFi products.

Vadim Koleoshkin is the business-minded co-founder of Zerion. He ahead founded Jufy Projects, a consulting firm, and app development studio.

Evgeny Yurtaev is a co-founder of Zerion, who ahead formed as a software architect at Google and Jufy Projects. Yurtaev has all-encompassing acquaintance ambidextrous with blockchains, namely, Ethereum.

Alexey Bashlykov is the third co-founder and CTO of Zerion. He’s an android developer, alive alongside his co-founders at Jufy Projects.

Zerion vs. Zapper

The altercation is nuanced and depends on anniversary individual’s needs. Those attractive for a artefact with boundless integrations for clamminess pooling and crop agriculture would be admiring with Zapper over Zerion. On the added hand, added alive and adapted users who additionally appetite admission to lending and borrowing would adopt Zerion.

Zapper has a bright bend for LPs. For example, accouterment clamminess to a Uniswap basin can be done application aloof ETH on Zapper, slimming the action from two accomplish to one.

One can accept to advance an different asset, like LINK, and Zapper will catechumen the asset to bisected ETH and bisected DAI to drop into the Uniswap pool.

Previously on Zerion, the user bare to manually advertise bisected their ETH for DAI aboriginal and add the two assets in the actual proportions. A contempo rebranding has, however, bigger this.

The project’s arch of growth, Rebecca Mqamelo, told Crypto Briefing that with Zerion’s Uni, Curve, and Balancer basin integrations, users don’t charge to manually breach assets 50-50.  

Zapper recreates this aforementioned account on its affiliation with added protocols. One can advance in any yEarn vaults application a array of assets. Zapper aboriginal converts the badge to its all-important anatomy (USDC for yUSDC basement or YFI for the yYFI vault) and again makes the deposit.

While Zerion affairs to accommodate added protocols, the belvedere currently alone offers crop agriculture integrations for Uniswap and Bancor.

Zerion’s dashboard is cleaner than Zapper’s back examination an address’ transaction history. But Zapper already afresh comes out on top in agreement of the abyss of advice available. 

For instance, SNX stakers can appearance all-embracing advice application both Zerion and Zapper. But Zapper offers a few added abstracts points, such as barter fees accessible to affirmation from Synthetix. And in this accurate respect, Zapper additionally has a bigger outlay.

To Zerion’s credit, it has taken a broader access to artefact development and is acceptable a jack of all trades rather than a adept of one. In the future, it seems reasonable to apprehend Zerion to whip up faster integrations and eventually become a absolute hub for interacting with DeFi.


Both Zerion and Zapper are astounding articles that will aid DeFi acceptance through above UX. Currently, the best amid the two is alone abased on a user’s specific needs.

For alive LPs, Zapper has a actual accessible edge. But for those attractive to dabble with DeFi and analysis all its affective parts, Zerion is the absolute partner.