MediConnect Announces Support From The Ugandan Government
andrey shevchenko

MediConnect Announces Support From The Ugandan Government

THELOGICALINDIAN - Together they will accouterment the botheration of affected drugs in Uganda

MediConnect, an accessible blockchain framework band-aid to trace and administer decree medication, has received “indicative support” from the Ugandan government to analyze the possibilities of abbreviating the advance of affected biologic drugs.

While this isn’t an official partnership, it about signals the absorption of the government of Uganda in analytic the botheration of affected drugs with avant-garde solutions powered by blockchain.

According to the Ugandan National Drug Authority (“NDA”), as abundant as 10% of the drugs assigned in the country accept abominable or affected copies. Similar abstracts from the WHO acknowledge that the botheration is advance throughout the world.

In adjustment to axis the breeze of adulterous medicines, Dexter Blackstock, CEO of MediConnect met with the President of Uganda Yoweri Museveni and Minister of Health Dr Jane Ruth Aceng, as able-bodied as added high-level officials. The affair was facilitated by Uebert Angel, an affecting abbey baton and entrepreneur, who is additionally a cardinal accomplice of MediConnect.

During the meeting, the government apprenticed to abutment MediConnect’s platform, which consists of an abiding almanac that advance the administration of decree medications. Using this record,  doctors and pharmacies can analyze affected drugs and abolish them from the biologic accumulation chain.

Dexter Blackstock, CEO of MediConnect was admiring with the aftereffect of the conversation.


President Museveni additionally commented on the affair on Twitter, although he did not acknowledgment MediConnect specifically.

Current campaigns to abate the appulse of biologic artifice in the country accept focused alone on administering raids and starting accessible apprenticeship campaigns, while the addition of the MediConnect blockchain technology in the biologic accumulation chains could accommodate an another abstruse band-aid to a actual austere botheration in the country.

However, a specific roadmap of the accomplishing action hasn’t been appear so far.  MediConnect itself is still in the ICO stage, which is appointed for achievement on September 30, 2024.

Now you can barter after accepting out of bed.

Developers accept fabricated the Stellar (XLM) arrangement added attainable for cryptocurrency traders, with the new StellarX adaptable wallet and barter interface for Android and iOS users.

 “This is addition footfall against authoritative StellarX attainable to anybody and accretion acceptance and usage,” the StellarX Engineering aggregation announced. “By acceptable a multi-platform DEX, we are aflame by the achievability of alms a adaptable acquaintance to users in ‘mobile-first’ regions about the world.

Since abundant of the apple relies on adaptable technology to admission the internet, the Stellar association is gluttonous to aggrandize its all-around user abject with adaptable operating systems. The wallet is backwards-compatible with the aftermost seven Android versions and as far aback as iOS 11 for Apple users, back added than 85% of accepted iPhone bazaar uses iOS 12.0 or later.  

The latest advancement to the StellarX platform allows anyone to log into an annual and accelerate or accept any Stellar badge via the adaptable app.

The belvedere offers a few important advantages over acceptable exchanges. First, users don’t accept to drop any tokens – the belvedere is artlessly a browsing interface for trading Stellar tokens. “We’re about a GUI—a absolutely nice one—for the publicly-accessible Stellar trading environment,” explains the StellarX website. Stellar is so fast that it feels like we charge be clearing things ourselves, but we’re not.

This enables users to advance aegis of their tokens at all times after the charge to assurance a axial bureau with clandestine keys.

Second, the affairs are free. Users are answerable a tiny anti-spam fee of 0.00001 XLM, which is refunded, so users acquire no costs back trading. Additionally, StellarX users can barter in tokenized authorization through the anchoring system.

StellarX abnormally offers the adeptness to barter authorization application “anchors” that tokenize off-chain assets. These can be acquired through casework such as White Wallet, an on/off access for fiat-to-crypto trading. Due to Stellar’s tokenization protocols, traders can buy cryptocurrencies not alone with Stellar lumens, but additionally with Euros, USD, Chinese Yuan, and a cardinal of added authorization currencies.

The aggregation is continuing development of StellarX adaptable with the accession of added appearance such as acquaintance lists, bazaar listings, attractive up tokens by domain, and clarification contempo action by transaction types.