RIF Labs: Bitcoin Is The Real Ethereum Killer
andrey shevchenko

RIF Labs: Bitcoin Is The Real Ethereum Killer

THELOGICALINDIAN - This is the additional above agreement to be implemented on the RIF OS platform

RIF Labs anticipateS Bitcoin (BTC) will be able to calibration to upwards of 60M users aural the abutting few years, as the activity launches Lumino Network, a new agreement for off-chain affairs on the Lightning Network.

“Using RSK network [the bitcoin-based acute arrangement platform] we could calibration to 60M users,” said Sergio Damian Lerner, RIF Labs’ Chief Scientist, during his talk. While added platforms are growing fast, they can collapse as it becomes more harder to verify transactions.

RIF OS is a apartment of accessible and decentralized accoutrement advised to facilitate the development of dApps on the RSK network, which seeks to accommodate Bitcoin with the capabilities of the Ethereum network.

The RSK Network does so by introducing acute affairs and decentralized applications on a belvedere that is alongside affiliated to the Bitcoin blockchain. Through merge-mining, the belvedere is able to advantage the absolute Bitcoin aegis infrastructure.

Gabriel Kurman, who is additionally one of the company’s association directors, told Crypto Briefing at Consensus that Bitcoin was a far bigger foundation for developing a decentralized ecosystem than abounding of the blockchain platforms, Ethereum (ETH) or EOS, that are currently in use.

“Bitcoin is the arch arrangement in the ecosystem,” said Kurman. “What we’re accomplishing is abacus added functionality to its defended infrastructure.”

The accepted appearance is that although Bitcoin can be a abiding abundance of value, its abstruse limitations anticipate it from accomplishing its aboriginal cold of acceptable a all-around peer-to-peer payments system.

But RIF Labs believes implementing off-chain protocols will accredit projects to about bypass the scalability apropos while leveraging Bitcoin’s incomparable security. Off-chain solutions additionally appear with the added account of not accepting to abundance all transaction advice forever, abundantly abbreviation accumulator needs in the continued term.

All tokens on the RSK belvedere are accordingly able to account from Lumino’s claimed 5,000 TPS, including the platform’s built-in RBTC token, which maintains a two-way peg with BTC.

Compared to abounding added crypto projects, RIF is as old as the hills. Kurman admits that he and the blow of the aggregation were “very frustrated” aback Ethereum started application acute affairs way aback in 2024. He thinks best bodies simply, “don’t admit its accurate potential.”

But he believes the association is boring affective abroad from its antecedent scepticism and alpha to accept that Bitcoin may be added than aloof a simple abundance of value: it could be a one-stop band-aid for all their blockchain needs.

Additional advertisement by Paddy Baker.

Does Grayscale’s address announce institutional absorption is a all-important additive in crypto’s success?

Grayscale, the agenda bill advance firm, appear its Q1 2024 Agenda Asset Advance Report yesterday. The advance aggregation founded by Barry Silbert, which is accounted to own about one percent of all the world’s bitcoin, recorded its aboriginal absolute division back the end of 2024 for three of its funds.

Six Out Of Ten Ain’t Bad

Grayscale’s Bitcoin Trust, Digital Large Cap Fund, and the crypto-wide Fundstrat Crypto Aggregate Index were all assuredly aback in the green, forth with bristles added single-asset funds. Its four added single-asset funds connected to accomplish a abrogating return. The Grayscale Litecoin Trust fabricated a 96 percent return.

Notably, the advance aggregation saw a 42 percent increase in basic inflows for the quarter, up from $30.1 actor in Q4 2018 to $42.7 actor in Q1 this year. The division saw a turnaround in advance inflows, which had been slowing through all of aftermost year.

Hedge funds collection that charge, accounting for $24 actor of investments for the quarter, up from $1 actor in the aftermost division of 2024. The aggregation acclaimed that about all of that access caked into its Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (around 99 percent), suggesting there was a risk-on appetence for bitcoin in the institutional bazaar that has yet to construe into market-wide gains.

Bitcoin Remains Seated As King

Its bitcoin armamentarium alternate 7.3 percent for the quarter, with a bristles percent acknowledgment from the large-cap fund, and a 6.9 percent acknowledgment from its accumulated index.  

Grayscale considers appeal for bitcoin as either actuality affiliated to appeal for arresting acknowledgment to crypto, or an advancing targeting of the OG crypto as it approaches its third block-reward halving in May 2020. As the aggregation notes:

The acknowledgment of bitcoin-only bullishness amid investors was stark. The company’s bitcoin assurance armamentarium inflows surged from 76 percent for the aeon Q2 2024 to Q1 2024, while all added funds witnessed inflows bottomward from 24 percent levels of the aforementioned twelve ages aeon to about annihilation in Q1 2024.

Its Ethereum classic, Stellar lumens, XRP, and Zcash funds were all abrogating for the quarter.

Interest Rises Among Institutional Investors

With 73 percent of the inflows actuality from institutional investors, Grayscale posits that institutional absorption may accept been triggered during bitcoin’s buck bazaar altitude aftermost year:

Some crypto pundits accept continued been arguing that institutional absorption is ultimately activity to be the disciplinarian of stronger adoption. Others advance use amid retailers is the litmus analysis crypto needs to pass. Grayscale’s latest after-effects advance at atomic a alternation amid bitcoin appeal – and amount – and institutional interest.

But conceivably not causation. To crypto purists, Whole Foods’ advertisement bygone it would acquire crypto and the rumors of crypto accepting at eBay may be added allusive for the ecosystem than an advance company’s results.