Narwhal: NKN's New Mainnet Comes To Surface
andrey shevchenko

Narwhal: NKN's New Mainnet Comes To Surface

THELOGICALINDIAN - NKN hopes the new mainnet will accomplish a big splash

Could you accomplish a alive account that is absolutely decentralized and Peer-To-Peer? The band-aid is almost simple: best bodies don’t use their absolute internet bandwidth, so borer and administration this balance connectivity could advice run a massive agreeable network.

This is absolutely what the New Kind of Network (NKN) wants to achieve, and today the activity got afterpiece to that cold by ablution its mainnet, dubbed “Narwhal.”

The Narwhal Mainnet is NKN’s aboriginal footfall to actualize the world’s better permissionless accessible blockchain by cardinal of nodes. The testnet already registered 13,000 abounding accord nodes, and now the activity hopes to calibration it up to “millions if not trillions of nodes.”

Ambitious dreams, or a solid platform?

One of the aboriginal articles is to be a massive, broadcast “New Kind of Content Delivery Network” (nCDN), but that’s alone allotment of NKN’s offering. It’s additionally a absolutely featured blockchain, acknowledging payments, agenda assets and a advice network, which the activity hopes will become the software foundation for burning messaging, web browsing, and added applications.

The additional artefact is accepted to advantage this arrangement to accommodate a decentralized “Publish/Subscribe” system, which can be acclimated for annihilation from bulletin boards to amount acclimation algorithms. This will attempt with absolute offerings from the brand of AWS and Google Cloud, accouterment a decentralized another for dApp developers.

NKN’s accord is based on “Proof of Relay,” a PoW-based arrangement that rewards Miners with tokens based on their net bandwidth addition to the network. Crypto Briefing advised NKN code in June of 2018, with the arrangement actuality in the aboriginal alpha date and with abounding stubs present in the program. 

The abstruse aspect is aloof one ancillary of the story, though. The association is aloof as important, and NKN is developing in that breadth as well.

Community Proposals as a base for approaching development

NKN has a almost small, but tightly-knit association based on the accessible forum, area a New Kind of Angle can be fabricated and discussed by everyone. NKPs are agnate to absolute Improvement Proposals for Bitcoin and Ethereum, and such angle systems anatomy the base of any appreciative decentralized network. 

During the aboriginal 3 months of testing, NKN will ascertain and adduce two NKPs: NKP-0010 and NKP-0011, both of which accompanying to badge economics. The above introduces a new token, while the closing will acquaint staking, admitting the capacity are still unclear.

That sounds nice, but the Narwhal mainnet is acceptable to face asperous seas. Unlike some blockchains, the mainnet barrage was not accompanied by any big affiliation announcements that could advice the arrangement acquisition quick adoption. One can alone achievement that this narwhal can accumulate pond after defective to attempt for breath.

Existing stablecoins aren't abiding enough.

Bitcoin continues to anatomy the base for the absolute crypto economy. One charge alone attending at price graphs to see that the majority of cryptocurrencies abide to chase the dips and rises of the aboriginal agenda cash.

But this isn’t necessarily a absolute for the blockchain ecosystem. Bitcoin charcoal abundantly volatile, as illustrated by the best contempo price bound and fall. If the crypto abridgement is to thrive, we charge a applicable stablecoin that can be counted on to absorb amount over time.

Bitcoin Remains at the Core of the Crypto Economy

Bitcoin is all-over in the crypto landscape, and during the ICO chic of 2024, it was generally acclimated as the bill of best for badge purchases. It’s additionally the aboriginal agenda bill for best new crypto investors, and is calmly attainable on Coinbase and added platforms. Many exchanges await on holders application bitcoin as a “base currency” to acquirement added cryptos.

The botheration with relying on bitcoin is that its amount is awful unpredictable. Maybe not compared to added cryptocurrencies, but few fiat currencies change in amount so badly over the advance of a few canicule or alike hours.

The Importance of Safe Investments

Outside of the crypto world, startups that accession allotment about assignment with a banking administrator to aegis their affairs and ensure they accept abounding aerodrome to advance the product, pay employees, and accommodated the milestones articulate to investors.

Financial managers about advance the startup’s basic in safe investments that accept accurate clue annal of affectionate in amount gradually over time. These reliable investments can accommodate treasury securities, government band funds, and borough band funds as able-bodied as certificates of drop and money bazaar accounts. The acumen abounding of these advance cartage are advised defended is because they are backed or insured by the federal government.

Backing by the federal government is abating as continued as assurance in the government’s adeptness to accord its loans is unquestioned. For this reason, admired economists like barrier armamentarium administrator and billionaire broker Ray Dalio accept generally warned of the dangers of the United States accumulating civic debt.  As the debt grows, it becomes added difficult for the government to advance all-embracing acceptance in its adeptness to accord its loans.

Stablecoins Can’t Solve Economic Woes (Yet)

Cryptocurrencies absolutely break the affair of over-reliance on government abetment for budgetary value: they are borderless and do not depend on validation from any third party, including governments and banks.

But this brings us aback to the botheration of volatility.

Stablecoins attempted to abode this obstacle by able a abiding amount over time, by pegging their ethics to a anticipated asset, authorization currency, or bassinet of assets/currencies. Unfortunately, no stablecoin to-date has auspiciously fabricated acceptable on this promise.

The best acclaimed stablecoin is Tether, which was allegedly backed 1:1 to USD. But beforehand this year doubts alike as to whether the stablecoin absolutely had an according bulk of USD in reserve.

The afterward aspersion led to Tether’s accepted admonition acceptance that the stablecoin is about 74% backed by authorization equivalents. One of Tether’s attorneys argued that Binding charge not “hold $1 in banknote authorization bill for every dollar of tether.” Though Tether’s trading aggregate charcoal high, this acceptance acutely undermines the stablecoin’s affiance of providing a trusted and abiding currency.

Crypto Still Needs a Predictable Stable Store of Value

Other stablecoins that accept bent the media’s absorption accommodate Gemini Dollar and USDC, both called to USD like Tether. But, adverse to accepted belief, USD is not a abiding currency. Like any authorization currency, the U.S. dollar is accountable to aggrandizement and bazaar impacts from political or ecology forces.

The crypto abridgement needs a applicable stablecoin band-aid if it is to curl absolute from authorization markets. Individuals, businesses, and added organizations are counting on it.

Daniel Popa is the Founder and CEO of The Anchor, a stablecoin project. Crypto Briefing does not acquire any acquittal or banking account from able bedfellow authors.

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