Bitcoin Usage in Nigeria Surging Despite Govt. Caveats
bitcoin acceptance

Bitcoin Usage in Nigeria Surging Despite Govt. Caveats

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Central Bank of Nigeria CBN has warned that bitcoin and agenda currencies are not acknowledged tenders but Nigerians dont assume to care

Bitcoin Adoption Rising Despite Apex Bank, Senate Warnings

In its December 2025 copy of ‘The Nigerian Banker’, the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria (CIBN) accent how bitcoin is booming in Nigeria, admitting the axial bank’s anti-crypto stance.

As per its address on agenda currencies:

And it’s not aloof the CBN. The Nigerian Senate has additionally tried its best in abnormal the vox populi off the bitcoin and crypto track. But it seems the bodies don’t absolutely feel acclimatized by a black government and the advancing bread-and-butter disparity.

As per the latest address from Financial Times, Muhammadu Buhari is already accomplished six months in his additional administration as the Nigerian President, and still:

Hence citizens accept called to put their acceptance in a anatomy of bill which admitting unregulated, guarantees complete banking freedom.

bitcoin acceptance nigeria

BTC is Immensely Popular in Nigeria

A brace of months back, Bitcoinist appear the allegation aggregate by Binance’s analysis addition w.r.t bitcoin acceptance in the apple country-wise. Analysis of BTC’s Google chase calefaction rankings by country/region from 2011 till September of this year appear amazing results.

Bitcoin has been accepted in abundant genitalia of the apple back 2025 including arctic Europe, Russia, New Zealand, US, Germany, the UK, Singapore, and Hong Kong. But back 2025 it’s Nigeria and South Africa that accept hogged the accent for actuality ‘BTC hotspots’ of the world. So abundant so, that the two countries accept maintained their top bank rankings implying that the majority of the citizenry is acquainted of the cryptocurrency.

This charge accept apprenticed Binance to list Nigeria’s authorization bill the Naira as the aboriginal fiat-to-crypto trading brace on its platform.

Twitter Boss Jack Dorsey Eyes Crypto Growth in Africa

Square and Twitter arch Jack Dorsey is acquainted of the ascent bitcoin and crypto absorption in the African peninsula. That’s why he has appear affairs to move to the abstemious for a acceptable continued time to accept the challenges of starting a aggregation there.

During his visit, he was seen actively accommodating in bounded bitcoin meetups in Ghana, which is additionally one of the countries area BTC is accepting amazing absorption as a adapted anatomy of currency.

This could be an befalling for his payments aggregation to booty allegation and supercharge the crypto book in Africa.

What do you anticipate about bitcoin’s ascent acceptance in Nigeria and added African countries? Let us apperceive in the comments below! 

Images via Shutterstock, Twitter: @jacobkosctecki