What Happened Inside Max Keiser ’s “F**k Elon” Party?
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What Happened Inside Max Keiser ’s “F**k Elon” Party?

THELOGICALINDIAN - The abominable Max Keiser is in it for the continued booty Love it or abhorrence him the man puts in the assignment Arguably the aboriginal bitcoiner in boilerplate media the North American anchorperson with a appearance in RT is still adopting hell wherever he goes And this time hes got Elon Musk in his architect Was the affair Keiser hosted a anniversary of all things Bitcoin or a abhorrence array adjoin the SpaceX administrator Read on to acquisition out

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First of all, what was the “F**k Elon” party? Well, according to the video’s advice box:

Bitcoin Magazine livestreamed a appropriate block of the accident vía YouTube, and Bitcoinist saw it so you don’t accept to. 

It’s accessible everybody had been bubbler for a while. A addled Stacy Herbert takes the date and anon wins the admirers by giving out tickets for the Bitcoin 2022 conference. Then, she brings out Dhruv Bansal. There’s a video intro, Unchained Capital’s Dhruv Bansal as a bedfellow in  “The Keiser Report” says two phrases that are activity to be key after on. They’re about Bitcoin’s activity consumption. 

Stacy Herbert Interviews Dhruv Bansal About Bitcoin’s Energy Consumption.

In both phrases, “it” equals Bitcoin: 

This goes duke in duke with the “Bitcoin Incentivizes Green Energy Infrastructure” thesis. The blow of Bansal’s presentation doesn’t. Max Keiser is boilerplate to be seen. Out of larboard field, Stacy’s aboriginal catechism is about the Kardashev scale. Which, according to Wikipedia, is:

And that’s Bansal’s thesis, that we as a breed should “Use added activity to admission greater potential.” He thinks Bitcoin’s activity use is a affection and not a bug. That, “Proof-Of-Work and activity acceptance aren’t bad things. They’re advantageous things. Worthwhile things. They’re engines of advance and we should embrace them.” This ability complete crazy to some. However, we’re talking about a broadcast apparatus that’s activity to advance the accomplished world’s affection of life. And advance takes energy.

Bansal elaborates on the idea:

This ability complete crazy to some, but, “The continued appellation absoluteness of Bitcoin is adequate by its acceptance of energy.

Stacy Herbert Interviews Adam Curry About The Connection Between Podcasting And The Lightning Network

The aboriginal podcaster, Adam Curry, is application the Lightning Network to save podcasting. In the interview, we apprentice that: A.- Curry runs a Lightning node. And B.- Back in the day, Curry awash 65 BTC for $1000 a piece. Ouch. Max Keiser is boilerplate to be seen. His wife Stacy Herbert asks accordant questions while accomplishing asinine jokes.

Adam Curry runs PodcastIdex.org, an absolute podcast directory. “It’s immutable. It’s not activity away. We’re distributing it. So no one can anytime abolish you from podcasting.” They accept added than 4M podcasts registered. They were attractive into a way to acquiesce absolute payment, begin the Lightning Network, and never looked back. Using Value 4 Value, they registered 250.000 affairs over the accomplished 3 months. 

BTCUSD amount blueprint for 07/09/2021

Max Keiser Does A Bitcoin Infused Stand Up Comedy Routine

Finally, Max Keiser comes out. In abbreviate shorts. With a Bitcoin pattern. He starts with a big byword with quotable potential, “Bitcoin is advised to be attacked.” Then, he screams and shouts basal Bitcoin facts and does some ambiguous jokes. After that, Max Keiser gives El Salvador its flowers:

And Keiser doesn’t stop there, “El Salvador is arena aught for the Bitcoin uprising.” He alike goes into the attack, by apropos to the US adumbrative during this incident as “Victoria Nuland, the orchestrator of the cue in Ukraine.” Then, Max Keiser barelly disguises himself as the President of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde. Questionable jokes with a french emphasis ensue. 

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A few account later, the black degenerates and the advertisement ends. 

Selected Comments From Max Keiser ’s Livestream Chat

The accessible had a lot to say. For example: