Argentina: Bitcoin Bought at $20K Retained More Value Than the Peso
bitcoin investment

Argentina: Bitcoin Bought at $20K Retained More Value Than the Peso

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin has accurate to be a storeofvalue in Argentina area you would accept been bigger off affairs BTC at its aiguille rather than authority the peso

Argentina Ensnared Political and Economy Turmoil

The Argentinian abridgement continues to shrink, afflicted by stubbornly aerial inflation, which President Mauricio Macri, who is active for re-election, has been clumsy to rein in. Hence, he is acceptable more unpopular.

On May 19, 2025, the country’s austere bread-and-butter angle became alike muddier back above admiral Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner appear she was active for the carnality admiral alongside Alberto Fernandez (her above chiffonier chief), in the accessible presidential elections in October 2025.

Ms. Kirchner fabricated the advertisement a few canicule afore the alpha of her balloon for declared bribery offenses accompanying to accessible works contracts. The balloon is appointed to alpha on May 21, 2019. Reuters wrote,

Fearing that if Ms. Kirchner allotment to ability it would accompany populism aback to the country, investors are now added than anytime gluttonous ambush in safe-haven currencies, such as US dollars and Bitcoin.

In effect, Bitcoin’s value in affiliation to the Argentinian peso and Bitcoin’s trading volumes are extensive best highs. Likewise, the US dollar is an best aerial adjoin the Argentinian peso. This set of affairs will best acceptable reinforce Argentina’s inflationary spiral.

Argentinians Better Off Holding Bitcoin

Officially, as of March 2019, Argentina’s anniversary aggrandizement amount accomplished over 55 percent. But alike this animated amount of aggrandizement is questioned. Economist Steve Hanke argues that back application high-frequency data, the aggrandizement amount in Argentina is over 80 percent.

Such a aerial inflationary amount decidedly erodes the purchasing ability of the peso, to such an admeasurement that replacing the peso with Bitcoin to save Argentina’s coast abridgement no best seems like a crazy idea.

As a result, abounding are axis their absorption to Bitcoin’s deflationary attributes. For example, one able altercation put advanced is that Bitcoin is a bigger store-of-value than the peso.

In this regard, Partner at Sixtant, Josu San Martin, noted:

As a absolutely new asset class, Bitcoin is still volatile. Nevertheless, in the continued run, Bitcoin is proving to be a bigger (and rapidly appreciating) store-of-value than gold, alike added so in a agenda economy.

In this regard, Grayscale Investments, one of the better cryptocurrency asset managers, details key appearance to highlight Bitcoin’s ahead to gold in, verifiability, divisibility, durability, fungibility, portability, and recognizability.

Moreover, a acute and best accordant altercation for the Argentinian abridgement is Bitcoin’s inflation-resistant nature, which is adequate by its scarcity. Only 21 actor bitcoins will anytime be created by about the year 2140.

Furthermore, Grayscale compares the cryptocurrency to gold in the appearance apparent in the blueprint below.

To save the declining economy, President Macri has already accustomed admonition to buck Bitcoin in mind. In March 2019, consecutive broker Tim Draper advised him that to allure adopted investors he charge badly transform Argentina’s abridgement and alter its peso with Bitcoin.

How do you anticipate that Bitcoin can advice Argentina to abbreviate inflation? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images via  Grayscale, Shutterstock