Sunday Digest: Bitcoin Price And Other Cryptocurrency Headlines
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Sunday Digest: Bitcoin Price And Other Cryptocurrency Headlines

THELOGICALINDIAN - This anniversary has apparent added protests in Hong Kong as association feel their capitalism is actuality breakable Of advance we can appearance our own dejection with the accepted all-around banking arrangement artlessly by affairs bitcoin And not a teargas brazier in sight

Bitcoin Price: The Week’s Moves

Following aftermost week’s bitcoin amount bead to $8k, some analysts were admiration a further fall as low as $6500, afore we would see the abutting rally. Fortunately, we didn’t accept to go that low, hitting abutment at $7800 afore recovering appear $8.5k.

The assemblage didn’t absolutely accept the drive to breach through the resistance of the 50-week affective average (MA), which could announce the abutting above balderdash run.

When that could alpha is anybody’s guess. Stock-to-Flow proponent, Plan₿, claimed that we accept clearly aloof entered it, based on his fractal dimension indicator. If that’s accurate again we may able-bodied hit $16k by the end of the month. That was the ambition accustomed by the 4Chan ‘wizard’ prediction, as we were reminded this week.

One bitcoin buck angry balderdash appropriate that the abutting above balderdash run will see bitcoin reach its accurate potential.

But whatever is activity to happen, we weren’t about to acquisition out aloof yet. In the additional bisected of the week, BTC amount trickled bottomward from about $8.5k to about the $8k mark.

What Happened To The Institutions?

For months now, we’ve been told that institutional absorption will drive the abutting balderdash run on price. Bakkt assuredly launched its much-touted ‘physically-delivered’ bitcoin futures artefact this month, so what happened?

Well, analysis from Binance appropriate that the Bakkt barrage could absolutely be to accusation for bitcoin’s poor achievement in September. New analysis claimed that institutional absorption was at a low for the year, afresh afterward the barrage of Bakkt.

Furthermore, the premium on the amount of bitcoin through the Grayscale Investments GBTC agent fell to a seven -month low.

Fundstrat’s Tom Lee opined that the bitcoin bazaar is still too small for institutional investors yet.

Things Still Not Going Libra’s Way

Visa, Mastercard, and added ally in Facebook’s Libra activity were reportedly getting algid feet, advanced of signing the official charter. And US Congress has said it wants to grill Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, over his intentions for Libra.

Meanwhile, Apple scotched any speculation that it would Facebook into ablution its own cryptocurrency. CEO, Tim Cook, said that he feels, “Money charge abide in the easily of States.”

News In Brief

A Russian nuclear architect was fined the agnate of $7000 afterwards being caught illegally mining bitcoin on the clandestine facility’s supercomputers.

The Bitcoin arrangement accomplished the slowest block in bristles years this week. The 119-minute block askew the accepted 10-minute timescale but was followed by addition block aloof a minute later.

Silk Road creator, Ross Ulbricht started his seventh year in prison this week, amidst calls for charity from supporters and ancestors members.

The PayFair activity was bent up in rumors of an avenue scam. Although, in the end, it angry out that the cold wallet had been hacked and the website bankrupt to anticipate added attacks.

Bitcoin exchange, Coinbase Pro, angered barter by hiking fees up to 233% for low-volume users.

And Finally…

Bitcoin SV investor, Calvin Ayre, gave abroad a bit too abundant advice about buddy, Craig Wright’s affirmation in his accessible aspersion case adjoin Peter McCormack. Amongst a ‘mountain of evidence’, Ayre had apparent handwritten copies of the bitcoin whitepaper, complete with coffee stains and decayed staples.

Well, that’s absolutely assertive me that Wright must now be Satoshi… although affective one of Satoshi’s bitcoin or signing article with his clandestine key should accept been the easier option.

What do you accomplish of this week’s bitcoin and crypto news? Let us apperceive your thoughts in the animadversion area below!

Images via Bitcoinist Media Library