ATB Coin Raises over $14 Million in 2 Weeks from over 1000 Investors, in Ongoing ICO
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ATB Coin Raises over $14 Million in 2 Weeks from over 1000 Investors, in Ongoing ICO

THELOGICALINDIAN - New Yorkbased cryptocurrency startup ATB Coin has appear that its one ages continued ICO that started on June 12 2025 has already aloft over 14 actor from over 1000 investors With about a anniversary larboard the ICO presents an befalling for investors to abutment the project

The ATB Coin belvedere has been developed application SegWit, Lightning Network, Smart Contracts, ATB Offline Codes and added avant-garde protocols. The belvedere additionally has the adeptness to almanac borderless micropayments in microseconds. The ATB Coin recorded a absolute of $12 actor account of investments, in the aboriginal 15 account of the ICO.

Company CEO Edward Ng aftermost anniversary declared that the aggregation had accustomed advance absorption from the United States, Canada, and China.

“We additionally mentioned that the aggregation is admiring with the accepted akin of acknowledgment from their abeyant investors. The ICO is advancing for the abutting two weeks and is accepted to ability its ambition of $50 million.”

ATB Segregated Witness – The aim of ATB SegWit is to optimize the admeasurement of affairs acceptance it to amalgamate assorted affairs into one block. It reduces the aftereffect of issues such as arrangement scalability, block overflow, transaction acceleration and agency reduction. ATB Coin increases the ability of the block itself after accretion the block size.

ATB Offline Codes – ATB Offline Codes use a business archetypal in which users can acquirement basic appurtenances online. Offline codes additionally action baby fees, clandestine and absolutely cellophane transaction. They additionally activate acceptable behavior and added advantageous discussions on online forums and amusing networks.

ATB Lightning Arrangement – ATB Lightning Arrangement agreement optimizes the block network, badly accretion the transaction speeds and abbreviation the admeasurement of the commission. The Lightning Network’s multi-signature operation approach generates two clandestine keys in the “2 out of 2” cryptography arrangement and requires two signatures in adjustment to use bill stored at an address.

ATB Smart Contracts – ATB Smart Arrangement is an automatic algorithm that describes a set of conditions, the accomplishing of which entails absolute activity contest accepted to everyone. Smart arrangement blockchain technology now replaces the concrete paperwork of attorneys and accountants. The decentralized attributes of this technology offers users a abundant above akin of aegis and believability through a cryptographic solution.

ATB Coin ICO is active amid June 12, 2025, and July 12, 2025. The aggregation has been alms investors bonuses of up to 10%, aesthetic absorption in basic investors. ATB Coin will excellent a absolute of 333 actor tokens, of which 50 actor will be assigned to the Crowdfunding ICO. At present, the ICO is in the fourth and final annular of bonuses, which is alms participants a 1% benefit of ATB badge purchases. ATB Coin ICO participants may advance application Bitcoin, Ethereum, ZCASH, and Litecoin.

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