Monolith Studio Launches TokenCard Ethereum Debit Card, Announces Initial Token Offering
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Monolith Studio Launches TokenCard Ethereum Debit Card, Announces Initial Token Offering

THELOGICALINDIAN - Blockchainbased Web3 startup Monolith Studio has appear the barrage of the aboriginal anytime acute contractpowered debit agenda TokenCard forth with its antecedent badge crowdsale

[Note: This is a columnist release]

TokenCard will be aboriginal of its affectionate to accompany VISA payments to the Ethereum network, acceptance users to absorb Ether and added ERC20 tokens at any online and PoS terminals that acquire VISA acclaim and debit cards.

The new ERC20 token, (TKN), was generated beforehand this ages on May 2, 2017, as allotment of the TokenCard’s ‘token creation’ phase.  Badge holders can apprehend a pro-rata allowance in the anatomy of a cardinal of altered Ethereum tokens that accumulate to the ‘TKN Asset Contract.’ Interested investors and enthusiast can download the company’s whitepaper and annals for updates on the TokenCard website.

In accession to accouterment a applicable band-aid for the basal Ethereum community, TokenCard, by architecture additionally aims to advance the absolute debit agenda and cyberbanking casework ecosystem considerably. The Ethereum blockchain has an astronomic abeyant to accommodated the arduous requirements of prime sectors like all-embracing remittance and asset management, and the use of such avant-garde technology will abundantly account TokenCard.

TokenCard has ahead partnered up with asset tokenization belvedere Digix Global, in a bid to aftermath debit cards that will be backed by gold instead of money. This activity marks the alpha of the company’s aim to accompany abounding added agitative projects to accomplishment in the abreast future. TokenCard intends to use its arch alpha with acute contract-backed debit cards to advance the company’s activity advanced and actuate it to become a arch aggregation in the Ethereum world.

TokenCard is initially acceding alone badge holders with the acquittal utility, but the company’s ambition will be to accomplish the artefact accessible to all users soon. The aggregation aims to action users an easy-to-use platform, to accompany the debit agenda and TKN application.

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